YouTrack Missing History


Why does YouTrack not actually track all the history changes when moving between states on the Agile Board?  I've noticed that it can "miss" logging states.

This is an issue because we use the states for auditor purposes.

Is there  a way to guarantee states will be logged?


Official comment

Hello Kyle, I'm sorry for the delay.

At the moment all changes made by one author within one minute are accumulated and merged, so that you see only the initial and the final states of your issues. To avoid that, we recommend to wait for at least one minute between states or make changes from different user accounts. Then all changes will be registered and visible in the UI.

Please let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you!

Kyle, thank you for your question.

How many time passes between these state changes?

Permanently deleted user

Sometimes less than a minute between states.  For example, we have to track moving from Sign-Off to Awaiting Deployment to Done.  Sometimes "Awaiting Deployment" doesn't get tracked, which an auditor sees as we didn't review it properly.


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