The method "FileDocumentManager.addFileDocumentManagerListener" in sdk docs seems doesn't exist

Hello! masters!

I am working on  translating a DSL to JAVA.   

In the IDEA SDK docs  link  "",  "FileDocumentManager.addFileDocumentManagerListener" is suggested to access saved documents. But I have not found the method addFileDocumentManagerListener in the class FileDocumentManager,  what's the problems?

All  methods of FileDocumentManager listed in the source code is :


And the source code is:

* Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor;

import com.intellij.openapi.application.Application;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Computable;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.SavingRequestor;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

* Tracks the correspondence between {@link VirtualFile} instances and corresponding {@link Document} instances.
* Manages the saving of changes to disk.
public abstract class FileDocumentManager implements SavingRequestor {
public static FileDocumentManager getInstance() {
return ApplicationManager.getApplication().getComponent(FileDocumentManager.class);

* Returns the document for the specified virtual file.<p/>
* Documents are cached on weak or strong references, depending on the nature of the virtual file. If the document for the given virtual file is not yet cached,
* the file's contents are read from VFS and loaded into heap memory. An appropriate encoding is used. All line separators are converted to {@code \n}.<p/>
* Should be invoked in a read action.
* @param file the file for which the document is requested.
* @return the document, or null if the file represents a directory, or is binary without an associated decompiler,
* or is too large.
* @see VirtualFile#contentsToByteArray()
* @see Application#runReadAction(Computable)
public abstract Document getDocument(@NotNull VirtualFile file);

* Returns the document for the specified file which has already been loaded into memory.<p/>
* Client code shouldn't normally use this method, because it's unpredictable and any garbage collection can result in it returning null.
* @param file the file for which the document is requested.
* @return the document, or null if the specified virtual file hasn't been loaded into memory.
public abstract Document getCachedDocument(@NotNull VirtualFile file);

* Returns the virtual file corresponding to the specified document.
* @param document the document for which the virtual file is requested.
* @return the file, or null if the document wasn't created from a virtual file.
public abstract VirtualFile getFile(@NotNull Document document);

* Saves all unsaved documents to disk. This operation can modify documents that will be saved
* (due to 'Strip trailing spaces on Save' functionality). When saving, {@code \n} line separators are converted into
* the ones used normally on the system, or the ones explicitly specified by the user. Encoding settings are honored.<p/>
* Should be invoked on the event dispatch thread.
public abstract void saveAllDocuments();

* Saves the specified document to disk. This operation can modify the document (due to 'Strip
* trailing spaces on Save' functionality). When saving, {@code \n} line separators are converted into
* the ones used normally on the system, or the ones explicitly specified by the user. Encoding settings are honored.<p/>
* Should be invoked on the event dispatch thread.
* @param document the document to save.
public abstract void saveDocument(@NotNull Document document);

* Saves the document without stripping the trailing spaces or adding a blank line in the end of the file.<p/>
* Should be invoked on the event dispatch thread.
* @param document the document to save.
public abstract void saveDocumentAsIs(@NotNull Document document);

* Returns all documents that have unsaved changes.
* @return the documents that have unsaved changes.
public abstract Document[] getUnsavedDocuments();

* Checks if the document has unsaved changes.
* @param document the document to check.
* @return true if the document has unsaved changes, false otherwise.
public abstract boolean isDocumentUnsaved(@NotNull Document document);

* Checks if the document corresponding to the specified file has unsaved changes.
* @param file the file to check.
* @return true if the file has unsaved changes, false otherwise.
public abstract boolean isFileModified(@NotNull VirtualFile file);

* Discards unsaved changes for the specified document and reloads it from disk.
* @param document the document to reload.
public abstract void reloadFromDisk(@NotNull Document document);

public abstract String getLineSeparator(@Nullable VirtualFile file, @Nullable Project project);

* Requests writing access on given document, possibly involving interaction with user.
* @param document document
* @param project project
* @return true if writing access allowed
* @see com.intellij.openapi.vfs.ReadonlyStatusHandler#ensureFilesWritable(com.intellij.openapi.project.Project, com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile...)
public abstract boolean requestWriting(@NotNull Document document, @Nullable Project project);

public static boolean fileForDocumentCheckedOutSuccessfully(@NotNull Document document, @NotNull Project project) {
return getInstance().requestWriting(document, project);

* Discards unsaved changes for the specified files.
* @param files the files to discard the changes for.
public abstract void reloadFiles(@NotNull VirtualFile... files);



Additional remark:

The interface 




inherit is an empty interface without any method.


You can get notifications from FileDocumentManager by subscribing to


(see for general information about messaging infrastructure)

The documentation referencing already not-existing method addFileDocumentManagerListener will be fixed.

BTW, here's a link to forum dedicated to questions related to IntelliJ plugin development -


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