Work Items Accept-Reject policy

Hi , after a user is recording work Item in task is it possible to have functionality for acceptance or rejection of workItem by supervisor?

Lets say that project manager is assigned to a task and he/she creates subtasks assigned to people. I know that usually it is one assignee- one task but it could be that something is done by someone else that it is not the main assignee and of course assignees are not all of them allowed to create new task to delegate. 

In this case you have to allow and control who is writing work ours in which task. 

at this level we would like to have Acceptance-Rejection of work Item of course per record. For the beginning from one person but potential it could be done from 2 (project manager and direct supervisor) .  

Is it possible in any way?



We have a workflow described for a similar scenario: There is a group that can change the Approve status field, and without the specific value in that field, issues cannot be edited. You can modify this workflow, so only work items cannot be edited without approval, for example. 

Or you can create an Approved status work item attribute and use it. 


Thank you i will users the new work Item attribute and then i will block the edit or update for normal users except Project Manager


Unfortunately accessing custom work item attributes in workflow  is not implemented so you can see in UI but you can not controll from workflow, so you can not do Approval functionallity restricting the approvers from anyone that sees the the workitems


Please excuse me for misleading you. Then currently, there is no way to automate spent time approval as per your scenario. It is needed to wait until the mentioned feature is available.

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