
Hello, my name is Vusal Karimov. I have problem about migrating youtrack from windows OS vm  to docker.

I create new vm, which run as docker engine ( no container is running in docker ). I take db backup old youtrack system which run on windows server OS vm. place backup file to new docker vm, to this directory - "/data/youtrack/backups" and map this to container's
directory - "/opt/youtrack/backups". Map 80 host port to 8080 container port. Container run successfully. In web ui I select upgrade-select my .tar file. When I click next it show me error. In base url section you can see "http://youtrack.example.local". I create a dns record "youtrack.example.local" and map this to my docker engine host ip address. 

docker host ip address =, FQDN = youtrack.example.com, host port = 80

youtrack container ip, container port = 8080

I read this doc.

1 comment

Hi Vusal,

Please be aware that we reply according to our SLA, so creating multiple tickets in different channels will not speed things up. I have replied to your ticket just now, but let me share the reply here as well just in case.

Unfortunately, there is hardly any specific piece of advice we can give here. Configuration wizard just checks if YouTrack can be accessed from the server you are installing it on using the provided base URL, port and listen address. The message you see indicates that it cannot verify that this URL can be accessed, so you should check the overall setup as regards firewalls/DNS/proxy, whether the port you specify is open etc. Running Docker in a VM creates a nested virtualization that can complicate things, so it's best to take that into consideration as well.


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