User Story Swimlane Titles are sometimes Bold, sometimes Not.

I'm struggling to understand on my agile board what makes the title of a swim lane, which is a user story, be bold sometimes and other times not.  Below is an example of what I am seeing.



I see; thanks for the clarification!

When I remove that filter, it shows bold and dark vs bold grey when I filter for an assignee.

That seems like a bug to me.

I assume that the swimlane-defining issue is not assigned to that particular assignee you mentioned, so it's expected that it's not returned by the search and is shown in grey to represent that. Additionally, the agile board filter has the same behavior as the regular issue search: the new query is not applied unless you press Enter or click the magnifier icon. So if you simply cleared the filter field without doing any of that, it's expected that the presentation will stay the same (in this case, the swimlane name stays grey).


Ahhh   Yes.  You are correct Stanislav!  Thank you, so much!


Hi! Looks like both swimlane names on your screenshot are in bold. 40IFS-6 is greyed out, however. Normally, that happens when the issue itself has been resolved, but it should also show the text in strikethrough. 

Can you check if 40IFS-6 is resolved by going into the issue itself? Also, do swimlanes look the same if you check it from another browser?


Hi Stanislav!

Thank you for the reply.  40IFS-6 is not resolved.  

I think I found the key.  This seems to show up if you filter the agile board.  In this instance, I filtered for a particular assignee, trying to find tickets assigned to one person on my team.  When I remove that filter, it shows bold and dark vs bold grey when I filter for an assignee.

That seems like a bug to me.

Thanks in advance!



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