Visually mark cards as currently blocked (having linked unresolved dependencies)

Is there any way to display some kind of information that the card you're currently looking at is currently blocked? And by blocked, I mean that its issue is linked as dependent on another issue that is not yet resolved.

I am aware that I can open the card for more details, but this is incredibly bothersome when you have many cards on your board.

I've considered using workflows, but it seems too complex for Workflow Constructor, and with pure JavaScript, it's quite error-prone while doing by hand with changing statuses/tags, and I can sense some recursion problems with trying to iterate over linked issues to take off the blocking tag/status.


Hello Tiritto ,

I suppose that the best way here is to indeed use workflows. You can use this rule as an example to avoid any recursion problems. The logic is “if the current issue is not resolved and has dependant issues, add a BLOCKED tag to dependant issues”. The second workflow would be “if the current issue becomes resolved and has dependant issues, remove the BLOCKED tag from the linked issues”.


Okay, I've made a workflow that more or less does what I would expect. There are still some holes in it (like when trying to unresolve already resolved issue), but for the most part it does the job.


const entities = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');

exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
  title: 'Update Blocked Issues on Resolution',
  guard: (ctx) => {
    return ctx.issue.links['is required for'].size > 0;
  action: (ctx) => {
    const issue = ctx.issue;
    const dependencies = issue.links['is required for'];
    if (dependencies.size <= 0) return;
    if (issue.becomesResolved) {
      dependencies.forEach(dependency => {
    else if (issue.becomesUnresolved) {
      dependencies.forEach(dependency => {

function hasUnresolvedBlockers(issue) {
  let hasUnresolvedBlockersBool = false;
  issue.links['depends on'].forEach(dependency => {
  	if (!dependency.isResolved) {
      return true;
  return hasUnresolvedBlockersBool;

function updateBlockedStatus(issue) {
  if (!hasUnresolvedBlockers(issue)) {


const entities = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');

exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
  title: 'Auto-tag Blocked Issues',
  action: (ctx) => {
    const issue = ctx.issue;
    const blockedByLinks = issue.links['depends on'];
    const isIssueTaggedAsBlocked = issue.hasTag('Blocked');
    let isBlocked = false;
    if (blockedByLinks.size > 0) {
      blockedByLinks.forEach(dependency => {
        if (!dependency.isResolved) {
          isBlocked = true;
    if (isBlocked && !isIssueTaggedAsBlocked) {
    } else if (!isBlocked && isIssueTaggedAsBlocked) {


const entities = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
const workflow = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/workflow');

exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
  title: 'Block users from resolving blocked issues',
  guard: (ctx) => {
    return ctx.issue.hasTag('Blocked');
  action: (ctx) => {
    workflow.check(ctx.becomesResolved, 'Can\'t resolve blocked issue!', null);

like when trying to unresolve already resolved issue

What happens when you're trying to do that?


May I ask…on your Agile Board, how do you visibly see that an Issue is BLOCKED? Do you use a column for BLOCKED Issues or just a Tag? The reason I ask is I want to use similar functionality, however, I want to know, without having to open the Issue, whether or not it is BLOCKED. I am hesitant to add a column for this. I would prefer to use a Tag…but I cannot see Tags on the Card.

Ideas or thoughts?


Hi Marc Gervais,

The amount of information displayed on a card depends on the selected card size. If you increase it to L or XL, the tags will appear on the cards too.

Using a separate column for blocked issues is an option too. Besides, you can also put this information in a custom field and choose to show this field in the card settings for the board.

Less popular approaches would be color-coding cards based on a field that indicates whether they are blocked or creating a swimlane for blocked issues.


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