Upgrading to YT V6 from V5 System Won't Start

Ok -

I had posted a little while ago about upgrade issues.  I think there is something about the account privileges.  It appears that the default installation was trying to start the service as some local ./JetBrainsYouTrack user - that account may have issues.

I tried changing that to my AD account that has rights (it's how I run TeamCity as well) and it still won't start.

Just realized those logs I previously attached were from when V5 was running, not V6 starting up - where can I find logs for the failed start attempt?


Hello Matty,

Please point to your previous thread or provide the details here:
how did you install YouTrack, what errors do you have/share current behaviour?

Thank you.
Permanently deleted user
Thanks for the reply, Andrey.

I have a working version of 5.2.5 installed.  The service runs under Windows configured to "Log On As" Local System.

I downloaded the YouTrack 6 msi and installed it to the same directory as I have 5.2.5 - it seems to install correctly, but when it tries to start the service, it says I have insufficient privileges to start services.

I checked and it appears to be trying to start the service configured to "Log On As" ./JetBrainsYouTrack - this user certainly doesn't have rights to start services.

When I try to switch the service to Log On As Local System, it starts and stops immediately from services and won't start from the installer.

There are no logs that I can see, do you have a suggestion on where to find some?


I am having this issue too. Now I have revert back to 5.2.5
Hi, same issue for me: had to rollback the server installation (Win Server 2008R2).
It started fine on my own PC though.
=> The upgrade instruction for Win Server are way not explicit enough! What does it mean "4.Deploy the new YouTrack 6.0 build."? Using the msi? Unzipping new sources in existing Youtrack 5.2 folder? What does mean "5.Start the server."? With 5.2, there was a Windows Service you could start. With 6.0, there are none. How do you do it?
=> So far I run Youtrack on port 81. Now it should start on 8080. Why is that not parameterized in the installer? I've already go something runing on 8080...

Permanently deleted user
I also tried to install it yesterday, and wouldn't run through. In my case, I also run YT5.2 on a different port than 80, and suspect this to be the issue, because the installer wants to start it on port 80, which is already in use by IIS.

For now, I am back to 5.2, will try again on the weekend. Can wait a bit longer, I hope ;)

When the installer can't start the service, it will popup this retry/cancel message.
I guess it might help to change the port like described here: http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/YTD6/Changing+Port+for+YouTrack+Windows+Service
before hitting the retry button.
Hello, Matty,

As far as I understood MSI installer shows the message "Service 'JetBrains YouTrack' (YouTrack) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

In 99% of all cases this message is not related to insufficient privileges, but means that some problem occurred on service start.
The problem might has been logged into server.log from %programdata%\JetBrains\YouTrack\logs\

Could you please attach your log files and config from the following directories?
(On my Win7 %programdata%  points to `C:\ProgramData`)

Alexey Barsov
JetBrains engineer
Permanently deleted user
Please find config and logs attached.
Permanently deleted user
Hi! Have the same issue. During the installation process of build 12124 service can't start.
Hi Alexey, here are my log and conf files. Hopes it helps.
Permanently deleted user
I also try to start service from Local Administrator account and from Domain Administartor, but result the same.
The log:

[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] RollFileWriter     [Info] Logging will be redirected to: D:\YouTrack\logs\service.log
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] LOG [Info] Settings log level from the settings file: debug
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceAction     [Debug] ExecuteAction entered
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceAction     [Debug] Calling StartServiceCtrlDispatcher
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceAction     [Debug] Executing JetServiceMain
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceMain       [Debug] Executing JetServiceMain
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceMain       [Debug] RegisterServiceCtrlHandler completed
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceStatus     [Debug] Set status to: starting
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ThreadedServiceTask[Info] CallStartService
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceStatus     [Debug] Set status to: starting
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ThreadedServiceTask              [Debug] Started service task thread
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] ThreadedServiceTask:Thread       [Debug] Thread started
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileServiceSettings              [Debug] Loading service settings from C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack\conf\internal\launcher.service.settings.xml
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileServiceSettings              [Debug] Loaded settings:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!– - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - –>
<!– - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - –>
  <description>The Agile Issue Tracking and Project Tracking Tool</description>
  <service-logging file="D:\YouTrack\logs\service.log" level="debug"/>
    <workdir>C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\</workdir>
    <arguments>/c bin\youtrack.bat run from-service</arguments>
    <termination timeout="6">
        <workdir>C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\</workdir>
        <arguments>/c bin\youtrack.bat stop</arguments>
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings   [Info] Parsing service settings
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Relative paths are resolved with base path: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack\conf\internal\launcher.service.settings.xml
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] File              [Debug] Resolved base path: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack\conf\internal
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Program work dir from settings:   C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Resolved workdir path: C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Program to execute from settings: cmd.exe
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Resolved path to program: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Program arguments from settings:  /c bin\youtrack.bat run from-service
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Program stop timeout from settings: 6
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Parsing timeout: 6
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Parsed value: 6.000000
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Program to execute from settings: cmd.exe
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,647] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Resolved path to program: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Program work dir from settings:   C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Resolved workdir path: C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Program arguments from settings:  /c bin\youtrack.bat stop
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] FileTaskSettings  [Debug] Service started marker: ###-STARTED-f0SJK3P4wGKm6dOdWlouxGHLBO5Pogsbq27V7h9M-###
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] FileTaskSettings   [Info] Program to execute:   C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] FileTaskSettings   [Info] Program arguments:    /c bin\youtrack.bat run from-service
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] FileTaskSettings   [Info] Program work dir:     C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] FileTaskSettings   [Info] Program stop timeout: 360000
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] ServiceProcessCommand            [Debug] starting process
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] ServiceProcessCommand            [Debug] stop wait timeout: 360000
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] ServiceProcessCommand            [Debug] Will call stop command. Termination wait timeout is 360000 milliseconds.
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] ProcessCommand    [Debug] Starting process
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] ProcessCommand    [Debug] Starting process: "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c bin\youtrack.bat run from-service (in C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\)
[2014-10-31 14:55:56,663] ProcessCommand    [Debug] Starting process
[2014-10-31 14:55:57,256] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:55:57,864] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:55:58,472] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:55:58,738] console            [Info] Using Java: C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\internal\java\windows-amd64\jre (version "1.7.0_60")
[2014-10-31 14:55:58,738] console            [Info] Starting YouTrack...
[2014-10-31 14:55:59,112] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:55:59,720] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:00,329] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:00,937] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:01,546] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:02,154] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:02,232] console            [Info] 15 [[APP-WRAPPER] Proxy 1] INFO com.jetbrains.bundle.BundleProperties  - Bundle is running in upgrade mode
[2014-10-31 14:56:02,762] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:03,340] console            [Info] * Configuring Service-Container[bundleProcess]
[2014-10-31 14:56:03,371] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:03,449] console            [Info] * Configuring Hub
[2014-10-31 14:56:03,979] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:04,588] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:05,196] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:05,804] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:06,179] console            [Info] hub: Using Java: C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\internal\java\windows-amd64\jre (version "1.7.0_60")
[2014-10-31 14:56:06,179] console            [Info] hub: 0 [[APP-WRAPPER] Proxy 1] INFO com.jetbrains.hub.service.HubJettyService  - Loading properties from C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack\temp\bundleProcess\configure-args-59362359269540617.properties
[2014-10-31 14:56:06,179] console            [Info] * Configuring YouTrack
[2014-10-31 14:56:06,413] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:07,021] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:07,630] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,238] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: starting
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,659] ProcessCommand     [Info] Process exited with code: 0
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] youtrack: YouTrack is started, stop it and try again
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] youtrack: Using Java: C:\Program Files (x86)\YouTrack\internal\java\windows-amd64\jre (version "1.7.0_60")
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error] [APP-WRAPPER] Failed to start the application: Failed to start JetBrains YouTrack 6.0: Not allowed exit code -1 from process: bin/youtrack configure
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error] [APP-WRAPPER] com.jetbrains.launcher.StartupException: Failed to start JetBrains YouTrack 6.0: Not allowed exit code -1 from process: bin/youtrack configure
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.bundle.BundleMain.start(BundleMain.java:154)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.launcher.AppProxy$4.call(AppProxy.java:78)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.launcher.AppProxy$4.call(AppProxy.java:76)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:262)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error] Caused by: com.jetbrains.service.util.StatusException: Not allowed exit code -1 from process: bin/youtrack configure
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.bundle.services.impl.CliService.executeServiceCommand(CliService.java:121)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.bundle.services.impl.CliService.configure(CliService.java:107)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.bundle.services.impl.BundledCliService.configure(BundledCliService.java:23)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.bundle.Services.configure(Services.java:514)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.bundle.BundleMain.start(BundleMain.java:180)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     
 at com.jetbrains.bundle.BundleMain.start(BundleMain.java:148)
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] [YouTrack Error]     ... 6 more
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] YouTrack process finished
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] console            [Info] Launcher is exiting
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] PipeReader        [Debug] PipeReader::~PipeReader => inheritor object is disposed!
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] ServiceExecuteProcessTask        [Error] Service process exited without service stop request
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] ThreadedServiceTask:Thread       [Debug] Task finished. Interrupted=false.
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] ServiceStatus     [Debug] Set status to: stopped
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Call SetServiceStatus called for: stopped
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] ServiceStatus::Thread            [Debug] Recieved final event. Thread exiting
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] ServiceMain       [Debug] Stop event processes
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] ServiceAction     [Debug] Exit ExecuteAction
[2014-10-31 14:56:08,690] JetServiceRunner  [Debug] Exited with code 0
Hi, guys!
@Sergey Legenkiy - as I understood, you have performed the upgrade from 5.x.
Could you please try to remove entire directory C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack and try one more time?
It seems that some incorrect stuff is left in that directory from the previous installation attempt.

@Mutty and Stephan There is a problem with attachements. I can't get those from admins to the moment. Although it won't take too much time, I will answer as soon as I get those.

Alexey Barsov
JetBrains engineer
@Matty In you conf directory I see folder Catalina.
This is not expected, it seems that you ether somehow patched installation folder or installed MSI package to the location 5x installation was installed. If this is the case, installation to a new directory should help.
anyway, content of entire folder 'C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack' should be removed before installing MSI
@Stephan You have experienced the issue very similar to the Matty's one. Could you please try to remove everything from
'C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack'  and install YouTrack to the empty folder.

Alexey Barsov
JetBrains engineer
Permanently deleted user
Yes, I tried to upgrade from 5.2.5 into the same location as 5.2.5.

If I clear the ProgramData, would that cause any damage to my data (projects/issues)?
@Matty In fact it would be enough to remove the following:

This is safe - no data would be lost.

Other files in your C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack\conf\ belongs to Tomcat server.
They won't harm installation. But could you please clarify how those files have gotten to that conf directory?
Hi Alexey,
I would definitively appreciate if you could uppdate the upgrade protocol from 5.2 to 6.0 and add all the missing bits, like what I have to do to recover the existing backed-up elements, once 6.0 is installed and runing .
Plus, could you confirm that the import of the backup will restore also the various settings, like TeamCity and LDAP integrations?

Hi, Stephan!
I have gathered users' feedback related to the MSI package installation.
It will be included into Upgrade instructions.

Thanks for your help!

Alexey Barsov
JetBrains engineer
Permanently deleted user
Hi, Alexey!

Removing the config data from C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack solved problem with installation. But now I can't login my account. Login as root failed to. Log:

[2014-10-31 17:26:29,380] console            [Info] 17:26:29,293 INFO  [LdapUserDirectory             ] SLegenkiy@ds.local: auth in LDAP
[2014-10-31 17:26:29,380] console            [Info] 17:26:29,293 INFO  [LdapClient     ] Constructed DN: uid=SLegenkiy@ds.local,ou=People
[2014-10-31 17:26:36,330] console            [Info] 17:26:29,306 INFO  [LdapUserDirectory             ] LDAP can't bind [SLegenkiy@ds.local] [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A9, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db117:26:36,320 INFO  [JetPassAuthenticationManager  ] Hub can't authorize [username: root]
[2014-10-31 17:26:36,330] console            [Info] 17:26:36,321 INFO  [LdapUserDirectory             ] root: auth in LDAP
[2014-10-31 17:26:36,330] console            [Info] 17:26:36,321 INFO  [LdapClient     ] Constructed DN: uid=root,ou=People
[2014-10-31 17:26:37,130] console            [Info] 17:26:36,325 INFO  [LdapUserDirectory             ] LDAP can't bind [root] [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A9, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db117:26:37,113 INFO  [JetPassEventListener          ] Forcedly saved 0 change bundle(s)
Plus, could you confirm that the import of the backup will restore also the various settings, like TeamCity and LDAP integrations?

TC integration should work without any adjustments, assuming it has been properly configured before.
As for LDAP integration, some reconfiguration may be necessary after 5.X -> 6.0 migration. Further details on that matter with configuration examples can be found here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JT-27151

@Sergey, I suppose you're facing the same problem as discussed in the aforementioned ticket.
Permanently deleted user
Yes, but I can't login at all. Where I can configure LDAP connection paramenters outside of YouTrack interface?
Permanently deleted user
I followed the instructions and successfully got YouTrack 6 to start.

Unfortunately, I noticed LDAP integration wasn't working without SSL - so I downloaded build 12124, ran the msi and now it won't start again... :)

Attaching the program data.
Permanently deleted user
Try to remove config again.
@Matty It seems that you have experienced some issue with LDAP integration that has already been addressed here:

Permanently deleted user
Hi Alexey!
Tell me please where I can configure LDAP connection paramenters outside of YouTrack interface?
I can't login to the system.
@Sergey, there's no way to change LDAP configuration outside of YouTrack web UI. Still, there's always at least one local account (root) you can use to fix LDAP integration. If you've forgot local root account password, consider restoring it with

Permanently deleted user
Thank's Eugen, but I don't understand how to do that. Where I must add this condition: -D jetbrains.charisma.restoreRootPassword=true
Permanently deleted user
Thanks for the help, Alexey.

I'm up and running now - got it all sorted.

Have a good one!

Permanently deleted user
Can't login. Please look at the log in attachment.
Permanently deleted user
Reverted to :(
I followed the updated upgrade protocol: the migration succeeded and everything worked straight on, including LDAP authentication

Youtrack guys, please update the protocol once more in order to mention that the Windows Service name has changed ;-)
Could you also please state the exact changes that Needs to be done, to change the port from 8080 to anything else? Even better, could you change the MSI so that the Installation port would be specified there?

PS: @Alexey - Спасибо!

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