Teamcity and Youtrack on same server. Upgrade to 6.0

I have installed TC and YT on the same server using the following instructions:

After installation I got access to TC at http://<my_server>/teamcity and to YT at http://<my_server>/youtrack-5.2.5-8823 (yes, its strange, but I couldnt get rid of those yourack version in URL).

After succesfull upgrade I got YT server at http://<my_server>/dashboard but now I couldnt get access to my TC server. How can I restore it?
If you were following those instructions, where did you get youtrack.war?
I've downloaded it from official site. About month ago it has been availible.
But we don't ship youtrack 6.0 as a war.
Nonetheless, what would be the recommended configuration to have both Teamcity and Youtrack run on the same server? I tried to use a Apache reverse proxy (with mod_proxy) but I was not successful in rerouting a sub path (http://.../youtrack) to another port with root context (http://...:8080/). Youtrack always rewrites the URL so that the sub path "/youtrack" is removed :-(
Yep, at the moment 6.0 released I got 5.x installed side by side with TC.
When I have installed 6.0 TC disappeared.
Hi, we have the same problem here now. We used the 5.x war version in tomcat with nginx to run youtrack under https://.../youtrack.

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