add javascript to Issue View

I am experiencing this bug in Version 6

in order to workaround this bug,
I want to add this javscript to the issue view to make sure the pictures atached from emails appear on the screen instead of a blank box. How can I add

var iii = 0;$('.wiki.picture-mailbox').each(function(){$(this).css('max-width','100%').css('max-height','100%').attr('width',"").attr('height',"").attr('src',$($('.show-img-attach.attach-zoom')[iii]).attr('href'));iii++;})
1 comment
Permanently deleted user
workaround bugfix for chrome users:

Install this plugin (or a similar one for your specific browser) and then put the above code into it on the appropriate page. (install plugins like this at your own risk, of course),d.d24

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