Error when translating to portuguese
Hi there, how are you doing?
We're trying to translate YouTrack 6.5 from English to Portuguese (BR) and we found this link:, explaining how to do that, but unfortunately it didn't work. We follow the steps below:
- YouTrack was installed from a msi file and it's running as windows service (Windows 7 pt-br);
- We download the English localizable files and put into a subfolder called "pt_BR";
- On root folder, we create the supportedLocales.xml file with the correct xml format;
- We created the config file "youtrack.jvmoptions" with the following line: -Djetbrains.mps.webr.i18n.custom-translations=c:\YouTrack\CustomTranslation;
- The YouTrack service was restarted.
After these changes, YouTrack doesn't show the portuguese language option. :-(
Does anybody has any clue about what is wrong?
We appreciate any kind of help! :-)
Thank you!
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Hello Tiago, Michal
Sorry for the delay!
May it be the case there are duplicates in file? If it's not the true, could you please send me your youtrack.jvmoptions file and complete YouTrack logs (/logs folder) ? Logs can be sent at
Well, I am also trying to add custom translation into Youtrack 6.5 (on Mac), but without success. So far I tried to:
with -Djetbrains.mps.webr.i18n.custom-translations=/data/youtrack/lang in youtrack.jvmoptions
Both resulted to Youtrack displaying just empty page and loooong error stack in youtrack-stderr.log starting with:
(mentioned file /data/youtrack/langtest/en_UK/ exists and is readable)