Youtrack and GitHub service hook
I tried playing around with the service hook to parse git commit comments and changine issues and so on.
My git commit comment looks like "#ab-123 fixed". But nothing happens.
At github it's says that the test hook gets deployed.
Don't really know how to procced. I can't find any errors/warning/info in the logs for youtrack.
Any ideas?
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Hello, Fredrik.
Did you enabled rest api in your YouTrack Installation?
Also, ensure please that the user, that user, that made push into git has the same email as youtrack user, as we match users by email.
Thanks for your quick response!
Yes, I have the same email address on both accounts and the rest-api is enabled.
Is it the github username that suppose to be set inte "commiters" on github?
Do you mean "commiters" field, when you set up github service hook?
If so, it should be a name of group in YouTrack, that contains users, you want to be able to execute commands from their commits.
Hi, Fredrik.
Suddenly, we found that GIT takes #-sign at the beginning of the line as a start of comment. We'll do something with this problem. But for now try to add a space before #-sign as a workaround.
PS It is an issue for the merge from command line cases.
Found what to be placed in commiters (well, it's on the github page just had to read).
And it solved the porblem!
using the same email address
being in a committers group I've made and assigned in github
use a space before the #
Could you please tell me, what commit comment are you trying to apply?
I'm trying to apply the following commit comment:
#CVM-13 fixed
where CVM-13 is a test issue I made.
I've send you an email with my instance name.
Thank you.