Youtrack + Git (not Github) integration guidelines?

It'd be great to get the VCS commit comment integration with YouTrack without using GitHub. Are there any pointers to writing a Git commit hook to enabled the same thing for regular Git repositories?

And YouTrack is VERY nice.

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My company isn't ready to invest in running TeamCity yet partially due to the memory requirements, but we *do* have a git repo, hub, and youtrack all configured, and direct youtrack <--> raw git would be incredibly useful, especially considering the cost overhead of TeamCity and Upsource compared to Youtrack and Hub.

My thesis:  If you can support several different wrappers to Git, you can also support Git directly.

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Thank you very much! -- here is some information aabut running PHPUnit tests in Team City

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Hello. Michael!

Now you can integrate YouTrack with git using TeamCity. It has free adition, so you shouldn/t pay for it. With this integration you'll get even more, then in GitHub integraions, because there will be links from issues in YouTrack to corresponding commits. You can read documentation about this feature here

And here you can read about TeamCity integration in general:

If you still want to have integration with Git as vcs hook, you can write it using GitHub hook as an example (as it is open source). GitHub hook

Also, we are planning to write our own hooks soon.

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I incorrectly assumed that TeamCity would not be suitable for PHP projects as Java, .Net and Ruby are the targets for continuous integration. I'll take a look at it. Thank you very much for the information!

For references on php I have seen:

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Are there any guidelines for getting just a basic build set up so that the YouTrack and TeamCity can connect without actually running tests, etc.? It looks like it will take a good bit of work still to actually get PHP configured. At least for Git. Still looking for some guides to help with that. At the moment this is a legacy project we inherited so there are no PHPUnit tests and such. Right now the priority is just to get Git <-- TeamCity --> Youtrack issue integration.

I think I'll look at using hooks for now. Not as bad as I thought. Thanks!

Message was edited by: Michael Wills further clarification

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You can use this ingeration without running any tests or so on. You can just create configuration, that runs every time, when you push something to your repository. The only thing, it will do -- it will f.e. process commit messages, parse issue numbers in those massages, and apply commands to those issues.

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I am new to CI. I didn't see a config that did not include a build step. It seems my changes... ah I take that back. The default setup procedure includes adding a build step and I didn't see a way to get around that. A build file was needed at a minimum or content was needed for the ant build. I just deleted the build step and finally got a success. Next is to make sure it can do the commits and such. Thanks!

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Feel free to ask any question you have! Definitely, we should better describe this process in our documentation.

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Thanks much. I think the main issue is that PHPStorm is such a powerful tool for a language TeamCity doesn't support out of the box. For PHP devs, PHPUnit is a standard but for so many, like in this case where we inherited some pretty wicked code (which PHPStorm helped resolve in SO many ways) but there are no test cases. So two quick config templates would be PHP with PHPUnit and PHP without. I see the resources out on the web but it's hard to stop down when you have apps to deliver. :-P When I get a chance I'll go through those resources and really try to get it worked out. If someone at Jetbrains gets there first of course I'd be most appreciative. I'm sure others would be as well. Speaking of which that reminds me of a PHPStorm request: bring that awesome Youtrack command window into IDEA for in-app updates, even it's just a command that pops up a window like the Youtrack bookmarklet! Making comments and updating issues in-app would be oh so nice. I'll have to remember to post that.

Thanks again to the crew there for making it available. My associates and I are working on getting some of our clients to try out YouTrack and perhaps TeamCity once I get the hang of it.


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