Agile board, effort history

Hello, have recently upgraded our version of youtrack to version 5.0.2. From that point the burndown chart doesn't keep track of the previous remaining effort values. As shown in the picture all the effort points within the graph stay on the same level including the start point of the ideal line. The level of these points is the same as the combined effort of all active tasks. When the estimated effort changes the level of all points within the graph change to. If i can, how can i fix this?


With kind regards,

Rik Vugteveen
Hello Rik,

Please provide us with the Agile settings and board screenshot.
Do you move your tasks to Fixed? Ideal workflow in your case should be:
  • estimate tasks when they are Open
  • move them to In Progress, when developer is ready to implement it
  • during the task is In Progress, reduce the estimation of the task
  • move task to Fixed when it's completed

Thank you.
Here are my settings. We are using our own, more detailed, workflow for implementation of our features. Could this cause the problem?

any news about this issue ?
Hi Jawhar, Rik

Sorry for not responding earlier.
As far as it's seen from your Agile settings, you have no resolved states. So, tasks are not fixed and thus, progress cannot be reflected on a chart.
To make it work, please navigate to Administration-> Custom fields-> State-> click on state's value bundle. From the list of available values chose values you would like to be marked as resolved state, click on a value and enable Resolved option. After that, in Agile settings, under Baord columns area, select this state and it'll be shown on a board.
Accordingly your process, how do you fix issues? Have you got a state that means the issue/task is resolved?

Thank you.
Hi Andrey,
Do you mean that the burndown will not take into consideration my time spent on the task ?
I mean if I have a task with 5 days as estimation, then I'll update my time spent to 1 day without fixing the issue, for me I was expecting to see my burndown updated (it's not the case right now).
(for the case, when I update the issue to a fixed status, there is no problem the burndown will take this into consideration and will be updated)  

Thank you for you help

Curreneltly, logged items are reflected only after the issue becomes fixed. So, intelligent way is to:
  • move an issue to In Progress
    - log items
  • move the issue to Fixed state
Once the issue becomes Fixed chart will reflect the progress accordingly spent time.
I understand your concern that sometimes we expect chart to be reflected just after logging work items. That's why we implement it as a new option which will be released within YouTrack 5.1 in the end of January- beginning of February, 2014.

Thank you.
That's a good news, It will be very useful (is there an issue number for this feature ? just to track it)
Thank you

Sure, please watch for updates on related feature.
Meanwhile, your process may look like I've described in my previous reply.

Thank you.
Thank you !

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