Forum replies, Mailbox handling, and Contains

First let me apologize for starting so many threads about similar things. I do not know how to reply to a thread on this forum.

Anyway. My goal is to get new emails into comments on old issues.
I would like you track to look into my emails and try and find values from integer or string fields. I would like this to behave similar to how youtrack handles the id number in the heading.

Also the commands ".contains()" does not seem to work in my youtrack. It is blocked out red in the editor and when I reopen it everything after the period is erased.

Youtrack 6.0
Workflow Editor 3384
1 comment
Use becomeReported() in the workflow that is attached to a 'mailbox integrated' project:
rule Mailbox 
when becomesReported() { 
  if (summary.contains("15", opts)) { 
    {issue: A-1}.addComment(summary); 

Please use 'Ctrl+Space' to complete all values and methods.

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