Displaying additional ticket fields or attributes in reporters' ticket table
I am working with a Helpdesk project.
When logged in as a reporter, it seems the default fields displayed in the ticket table are State, Assignee, and Project by default.

Is it possible to customize, add, or remove feilds to be displayed and used for sorting?
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I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.
Reporter-type accounts have limited customization options for the ticket list, so the fields displayed cannot be adjusted. We have corresponding feature request in our public tracker: JT-75284 Option to customize tickets view for reporters. Please feel free to vote for this issue. This helps us gauge how much impact this feature will have on our customer base, and you’ll also get subscribed to the issue’s notifications. To do so, sign in to JetBrains YouTrack and hit the thumbs-up icon.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Hello, thank you for your response.
It's perfectly clear!
You're most welcome! Feel free to reach out if there's anything else we can assist you with.