Share reports and give edit permission to other users that able to edit them
I want to Share reports and give edit permission to other users that able to edit them.
visible to only give read permission to other users , want also to give them write or modify permission.
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Unfortunately, only the owner of the report is able to edit its settings. Here is the corresponding feature requests:, please feel free to vote/comment it to increase its priority and to receive the updates.
What is the status of this? We are now experiencing the same issue, in that we'd like the ability for several users to be able to maintain a report.
JT-26102 is closed, as are a myriad other requests that seem related to this.
This feature has been included in 2018.3.46358 build. Please feel free to update your YouTrack to get it available.
Ok, thanks, we'll upgrade asap.
Hello, I can see "CAN EDIT" (I hope its feature mentioned by Anastasia) field in report, however it seems not working well. I can assign a group to edit, however that group cannot see that report on reports list in more area like reports with view and use rights.
Our Build 52584 Sun, May 26, 2019,
Please note descriptions on both fields are exactly the same - just regarding view option
@Anastasia - could you look at above issue? Should I create new thread for that?
Hello Kacper, I'm sorry for the delay. Please create a support request here: so that we could investigate this issue.
Thank you!