Issues not visible on the board after change of state



I change the state of an issue in a sprint from "open" to "done" (drag and drop) all the issues dissapear from the board (open, in progress, done, all of it). I've seen a post that is similar to my problem but only with the 'Fixed States'. On the top of board says "x unresolved issues not visible on the board". 

I got to the point to backup the database and reinstall the server but nothing has changed. 

Can anyone help me?

1 comment
Official comment

Hello! We're sorry for the delay.

Does it help to refresh the board? When you click this link 'x unresolved issues', do you see the issue in question there?

Please provide us with the following details:

1) Screenshots of the board settings

2) Screenshot(s) of fields settings of the project where disappeared issue belongs (with all fields visible on the list)

3) YouTrack version that you're using.

4) A HAR file recorded on dragging and dropping a card:

Please send those details to

Thank you!

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