Missing Comments, History, VCS at the bottom of issues


A couple of days ago we updated to the latest version of Youtrack (we were 2 versions behind).

Since then, I get reports from my registered users that they can not see the Comments, Issue History, VCS Changes and Code reviews. In the past they were able to see this. I checked the rights and think everything is as it is supposed to be.

Strange thing is, you can add a comment, but even when you do that, you can not see your own comments.

The screen my users get:

The rights are as followed:

As a developer I can see al the fields. Any of you have an idea ?

Official comment

Hello, could you please create a support request: https://youtrack-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=66282 and provide the version number, these screenshots and full Youtrack logs (their location can be found on the Settings -> Statistics page)?
Also, please attach a HAR-file recorded on opening any YouTrack tab.

Thank you.

Nobody? How can I make this a support question direct to JetBrains? It is interrupting our processes at the moment.


Quick summary from the support ticket: the users of your instance did not get READ_PROJECT_BASIC and READ_PROJECT permissions. Our suggestion would be that you grant your users these permissions based on what level of access they actually need.


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