01/15/2019 search queries stopped working if there are more than 3 fields in them.
01/15/2019 search queries stopped working if there are more than 3 fields in them.
This request works:
for: me ; State: -Closed
But this does not work:
for: me ; State: -Closed ; sort by: Priority
Query output: `No issues found. Edit search query`
InCloud YouTrack 2018.4
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actually our search query grammar doesn't allow for semicolons. More information on search query grammar: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/incloud/Search-Query-Grammar.html
Please try the same queries without the semicolon: `for:me State: -Closed` or `for: me State: - Closed sort by: Priority`. Let us know the results.
Thank you!
the search query is perfectly executed without a semicolon.