Search result sort is broken (insists on "Board Nearest")

Hi. I have 2 projects which share the settings for the Version field. The values are properly sorted (v0.1, v0.2 ... v2.0) in the settings. The same query is working on one project, but strangely fails on the other project.


The good query string is:

"project: ProjectB sort by: Version asc, Priority asc, Updated desc -Resolved"

and it is correctly described by the UI as "Sorted by Version, Priority, Updated"


The bad query string is:

"project: MB sort by: Version asc , Priority asc, Updated desc -Resolved"
and it is erroneously described by UI as "Sorted by Board Nearest MB version".
What does that "Board Nearest" even mean?



The UI sorting tool accepts my manual edit for "Version, acending", but immediately reverts to this mystery string.


What is going on?

1 comment
Official comment


Welcome to the community forums. Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the said behaviour. Would it be possible to submit a support ticket and attach screencast that describes it or shows steps to reproduce? Please also specify if this is a standalone or an InCloud instance and for standalone share its version.

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