Changing Role name "Project Admin" causes GitHub Imports to fail

Changing the role name to something else causes the following errors when importing from GitHub

Seems like this role name should be "read-only" - similar to the "project-admin" key of this role.


[] Script failed with error: Error code 409: "Field Role::key must be unique"
jetbrains.youtrack.api.ring.RingImporter$ExportFailedException: The following role cannot be exported to hub: Project Admin


Official comment

Hello Patrick,

thank you for your message on our forum. Just to clarify things: have you renamed the "Project admin" role on the YouTrack side or on the GitHub's?

Could you please submit a support request via this link and provide the import logs there? Also, please let us know if you're using an InCloud or a standalone YouTrack and which version. This should help us reproduce and address this issue.

Thank you very much, we'll be looking forward to hearing from you.


Hi Liubov

I've changed the role name in Youtrack.

I don't have the time to check for the logs right now but wanted to let you know anyways - this should be easily reproducible :)

Youtrack standalone, 2020-06.


Ok, thank you for letting us know! We'll try to reproduce the problem, I'll post back if I create an issue in our tracker after that. 


Hello Patrick,

Sorry for the radio silence here.

We have reproduced the mentioned behaviour. The corresponding bug in our tracker is Please vote for it to subscribe to the notifications about its fix progress.

Thank you for bringing our attention to it!


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