remote development in CLion with my makefile (remove make parameter that CLion added)



I need to implement full remote development in Clion.

as i read this page CLion version 2021 support full remote development.

here is my senario:

developer > linux server > svn

developer connect to the linux server through ssh connection and checkout source from svn on that server and commit then make.

I've config "toolchain" add "remote host" and successfully connected.

set "deployment" add "sftp" and successfully connected.

usually when I go to module directory on remote machine with putty and run "make clean;make" it will make successfully. but with Clion retun error that show on screenshot that attach to the issue. it seems clion add some extra parameter that cause the issue. is it possible it just run "make clean;make" without extra parameter.

FYI: when I run make with those parameters in shell it won't make. is there any way to remove those parameter?

I don't use cMake and have custom makefile, here is my makefile:

include  $(BASEDIR)/makeslm
all:  thismodule
#	ar rv $@ $?
cleanbin :
	 rm -f  $(BIN)/thismodule
	thismodule : rep.o info.o myconfig.o 
		$(CXX) $(CXX_LDOPTIONS) rep.o info.o myconfig.o -o $@ $(CXXLIBS)
			cp  $@  $(BIN)
				rm -f $@


here is the related issue: remote development in CLion with my makefile (remove make parameter that CLion added) : CPP-27940 (

Any idea?




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