operator not (exclude subquery from search)
I want to hide tasks with unresolved dependencies. My query should be like "#me and not Depends on: ( #Unresolved )", but i can't find 'NOT' operator. How to solve my issue?
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I'm Lena from YouTrack.
You can exclude specific values from the search results with the syntax
attribute: -value
.Please try this pattern and let me know your results.
My issue can't be solved with excluding specific values from the search results.
Please describe in greater detail which issues you wish to include in the result. Thank you.
A->B (task B depend on A)
(A,B)->C (task C depend on A and B)
I want to create a filter to hide task B until A is resolved, and hide C until A and B are resolved. All another tasks should be visible.
Thank you for clarification. Unfortunately, YouTrack doesn't support his functionality. We have a corresponding feature request: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JT-68575/Support-exclude-operator-for-linked-issues-search. Please feel free to vote for this issue. This helps us gauge how much impact this feature will have on our customer base.