Problems with typing when importing from Google sheets
Importing from sheets I can't get YouTrack to recognize that I'm trying to add an issue with the following fields set:
Priority | Type | State | Assignee [user] | Start Date | Due Date [date] | summary | description |
Normal | Task | Open | jcraw62 | 09-10-2022 | 09-22-2022 | My first issue | Has this description |
Critical | Task | Open | jcraw62 | 09-10-2022 | 09-22-2022 | My 2nd issue | Has another description |
As you can see I've trying putting types in brackets in the sheet header as specified in the documentation (doc says use braces but shows an example of using parens - prens doesn't work either). I've also tried to import with the Priority field set as a Sheets enum and tried to specify a type of [enum] in the sheets header.
For the issue I'm trying to import:
I get the following set in YouTrack:
Project Bucket - Tasks
Priority NormalN
Type BugB
State SubmittedS
Assignee Unassigned
Subsystem No Subsystem
Affected environment No affected environment
Affected versions Unknown
Business functions No business functions
Fix versions Unscheduled
Fixed in build Next Build
Start Date No start date
Due Date No due date
Estimation ?
Time spent ?
Verified By No verified by
Verified Date No verified date
Priority_0 Critical
Type_0 Task
State_0 Open
Assignee [user] jcraw62
Start Date_0 04/11/0015 21:31
Due Date [date] 04/10/0016 21:31
Note: the dates aren't coming over in the right format either.
Here's the logging. Other than summary and description fields I'd say nothing was imported correctly. In most cases new custom fields were generated - many as string types.
Please help.
15/09/22 01:04:47,296 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Starting import procedure
15/09/22 01:04:47,296 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Import preparation started.
15/09/22 01:04:47,300 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] prepareToImport is not declared in the client
15/09/22 01:04:47,300 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] getUserTimeZoneId is not declared in the client
15/09/22 01:04:47,301 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Retrieved timestamp formats are: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm, dd.MM.yyyy, dd.MM.yy HH:mm, dd.MM.yy, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmX, yyyy-MM-dd, dd/MMM/yy HH:mm, dd/MMM/yy, dd MMM yyyy
15/09/22 01:04:47,301 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Import preparation finished.
15/09/22 01:04:47,301 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Imported issue link types
15/09/22 01:04:47,302 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Stored project keys are ProjectInfo(id=0, key=Tasks, name=Tasks)
15/09/22 01:04:47,902 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Predefined project field: {"name":"Priority","id":"Priority string","type":"string","values":[]}
15/09/22 01:04:48,089 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Predefined project field: {"name":"Type","id":"Type string","type":"string","values":[]}
15/09/22 01:04:48,268 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Predefined project field: {"name":"State","id":"State string","type":"string","values":[]}
15/09/22 01:04:48,471 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Predefined project field: {"name":"Assignee [user]","id":"Assignee[user] string","type":"string","values":[]}
15/09/22 01:04:48,649 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Predefined project field: {"name":"Start Date","id":"StartDate date and time","type":"date and time","values":[]}
15/09/22 01:04:48,826 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Predefined project field: {"name":"Due Date [date]","id":"DueDate[date] date and time","type":"date and time","values":[]}
15/09/22 01:04:49,002 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Predefined project field: {"name":"summary","id":"summary string","type":"string","values":[]}
15/09/22 01:04:49,183 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Predefined project field: {"name":"description","id":"description string","type":"string","values":[]}
15/09/22 01:04:49,183 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Converted fields: [{"name":"Priority","id":"Priority string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"Type","id":"Type string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"State","id":"State string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"Assignee [user]","id":"Assignee[user] string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"Start Date","id":"StartDate date and time","type":"date and time","values":[]},{"name":"Due Date [date]","id":"DueDate[date] date and time","type":"date and time","values":[]},{"name":"summary","id":"summary string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"description","id":"description string","type":"string","values":[]}]
15/09/22 01:04:49,184 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Project: {"id":0,"name":"Tasks","description":"","lead":{"login":"root","name":"root","email":""},"fields":[{"name":"Priority","id":"Priority string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"Type","id":"Type string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"State","id":"State string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"Assignee [user]","id":"Assignee[user] string","type":"string","values":[]},{"name":"Start Date","id":"StartDate date and time","type":"date and time","values":[]},{"name":"Due Date [date]","id":"DueDate[date] date and time","type":"date and time","values":[]}]}
15/09/22 01:04:49,184 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}.{Field with name=Priority} of simple type string multiValue=false
15/09/22 01:04:49,184 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}.{Field with name=Type} of simple type string multiValue=false
15/09/22 01:04:49,185 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}.{Field with name=State} of simple type string multiValue=false
15/09/22 01:04:49,185 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}.{Field with name=Assignee [user]} of simple type string multiValue=false
15/09/22 01:04:49,185 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}.{Field with name=Start Date} of simple type date and time multiValue=false
15/09/22 01:04:49,186 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}.{Field with name=Due Date [date]} of simple type date and time multiValue=false
15/09/22 01:04:49,186 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Retrieved {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}
15/09/22 01:04:49,186 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Started to import/update schema for {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}
15/09/22 01:04:49,193 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] No full name provided for user 'root', using login instead
15/09/22 01:04:49,193 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] No YT ImportedUserData found for foreign user with id root, will find an existing user or create a new one
15/09/22 01:04:49,193 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] YouTrack user with login root is associated with foreign user with login root
15/09/22 01:04:49,193 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Project lookup: externalId='0', name='Tasks', key='Tasks'
15/09/22 01:04:49,193 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Found project by externalId '0'
15/09/22 01:04:49,194 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing fields of {Project with id=0 key=Tasks}
15/09/22 01:04:49,194 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Attaching field id='Priority string' name='Priority' of project '{Project with id=0 key=Tasks}'
15/09/22 01:04:49,194 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=Priority string, name=Priority, type=string) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,195 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Did not use attached field due to unsuitable type, requested: id=Priority string, name=Priority, type=string) -> result: 'Priority'(externalId: Priority string, type: enum[1])
15/09/22 01:04:49,198 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Created new prototype 'Priority_0'(type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:49,199 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Used just created and attached multi field, requested: id=Priority string, name=Priority, type=string) -> result: 'Priority_0'(externalId: Priority string, type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:49,199 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Attaching field id='Type string' name='Type' of project '{Project with id=0 key=Tasks}'
15/09/22 01:04:49,199 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=Type string, name=Type, type=string) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,200 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Did not use attached field due to unsuitable type, requested: id=Type string, name=Type, type=string) -> result: 'Type'(externalId: Type string, type: enum[1])
15/09/22 01:04:49,200 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Created new prototype 'Type_0'(type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:49,201 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Used just created and attached multi field, requested: id=Type string, name=Type, type=string) -> result: 'Type_0'(externalId: Type string, type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:49,201 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Attaching field id='State string' name='State' of project '{Project with id=0 key=Tasks}'
15/09/22 01:04:49,201 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=State string, name=State, type=string) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,203 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Did not use attached field due to unsuitable type, requested: id=State string, name=State, type=string) -> result: 'State'(externalId: State string, type: state[1])
15/09/22 01:04:49,204 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Created new prototype 'State_0'(type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:49,205 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Used just created and attached multi field, requested: id=State string, name=State, type=string) -> result: 'State_0'(externalId: State string, type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:49,205 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Attaching field id='Assignee[user] string' name='Assignee [user]' of project '{Project with id=0 key=Tasks}'
15/09/22 01:04:49,205 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=Assignee[user] string, name=Assignee [user], type=string) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,207 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Created new prototype 'Assignee [user]'(type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:49,207 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Used just created and attached multi field, requested: id=Assignee[user] string, name=Assignee [user], type=string) -> result: 'Assignee [user]'(externalId: Assignee[user] string, type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:49,207 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Attaching field id='StartDate date and time' name='Start Date' of project '{Project with id=0 key=Tasks}'
15/09/22 01:04:49,208 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=StartDate date and time, name=Start Date, type=date and time) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,208 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Did not use attached field due to unsuitable type, requested: id=StartDate date and time, name=Start Date, type=date and time) -> result: 'Start Date'(externalId: StartDate date and time, type: date)
15/09/22 01:04:49,209 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Created new prototype 'Start Date_0'(type: date and time)
15/09/22 01:04:49,209 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Used just created and attached multi field, requested: id=StartDate date and time, name=Start Date, type=date and time) -> result: 'Start Date_0'(externalId: StartDate date and time, type: date and time)
15/09/22 01:04:49,210 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Attaching field id='DueDate[date] date and time' name='Due Date [date]' of project '{Project with id=0 key=Tasks}'
15/09/22 01:04:49,210 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=DueDate[date] date and time, name=Due Date [date], type=date and time) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,211 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Created new prototype 'Due Date [date]'(type: date and time)
15/09/22 01:04:49,211 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Used just created and attached multi field, requested: id=DueDate[date] date and time, name=Due Date [date], type=date and time) -> result: 'Due Date [date]'(externalId: DueDate[date] date and time, type: date and time)
15/09/22 01:04:49,212 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing of fields finished
15/09/22 01:04:49,226 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing fields values of project 'Tasks (Tasks)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,226 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing of field values finished
15/09/22 01:04:49,269 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing roles of 'Tasks (Tasks)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,269 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing of roles finished
15/09/22 01:04:49,269 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Found hub team and added it to the bundle of assignee field Assignee in project 'Tasks (Tasks)'
15/09/22 01:04:49,271 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Requesting foreign server to retrieve server info
15/09/22 01:04:49,273 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing issues in project Project(id=0, key=Tasks, name=Tasks, description=, archived=null, lead=User(id=root, name=root, fullName=null, email=, banned=false, deleted=false, type=USER), fields=[ProjectField(id=Priority string, name=Priority, type=STRING, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=Type string, name=Type, type=STRING, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=State string, name=State, type=STRING, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=Assignee[user] string, name=Assignee [user], type=STRING, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=StartDate date and time, name=Start Date, type=DATE_AND_TIME, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=DueDate[date] date and time, name=Due Date [date], type=DATE_AND_TIME, multiValue=false)]) started. Current import progress is ItemTypeImportProgress(lastProcessed=null, initialImportFinished=true, lastImportStartTime=1663192794930)
15/09/22 01:04:49,274 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] getTimeIntervalDelay is not declared in the client
15/09/22 01:04:51,028 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Converted issue fields: [{"id":"Prioritystring","name":"Priority","type":"string","value":"Normal"},{"id":"Typestring","name":"Type","type":"string","value":"Task"},{"id":"Statestring","name":"State","type":"string","value":"Open"},{"id":"Assignee [user]string","name":"Assignee [user]","type":"string","value":"jcraw62"},{"id":"Start Datedate and time","name":"Start Date","type":"date and time","value":"09-10-2022"},{"id":"Due Date [date]date and time","name":"Due Date [date]","type":"date and time","value":"09-22-2022"},{"id":"summarystring","name":"summary","type":"string","value":"My first issue"},{"id":"descriptionstring","name":"description","type":"string","value":"Has this description"}]
15/09/22 01:04:51,041 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Converted issue fields: [{"id":"Prioritystring","name":"Priority","type":"string","value":"Critical"},{"id":"Typestring","name":"Type","type":"string","value":"Task"},{"id":"Statestring","name":"State","type":"string","value":"Open"},{"id":"Assignee [user]string","name":"Assignee [user]","type":"string","value":"jcraw62"},{"id":"Start Datedate and time","name":"Start Date","type":"date and time","value":"09-10-2022"},{"id":"Due Date [date]date and time","name":"Due Date [date]","type":"date and time","value":"09-22-2022"},{"id":"summarystring","name":"summary","type":"string","value":"My 2nd issue"},{"id":"descriptionstring","name":"description","type":"string","value":"Has another description"}]
15/09/22 01:04:51,042 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ClientScriptRunner ] [import_user_137727903@] Converted issues: [{"id":"Tasks-1","key":"Tasks-1","fields":{"summary":"My first issue","description":"Has this description","created":"2022-09-14T22:04:49.607Z","updated":"2022-09-14T22:04:49.607Z","links":[],"author":{"login":"root","name":"root","type":"user"},"comments":[],"attachments":[],"tags":[],"watchers":[],"voters":[],"Priority":{"id":"Prioritystring","type":"string","value":"Normal"},"Type":{"id":"Typestring","type":"string","value":"Task"},"State":{"id":"Statestring","type":"string","value":"Open"},"Assignee [user]":{"id":"Assignee [user]string","type":"string","value":"jcraw62"},"Start Date":{"id":"Start Datedate and time","type":"date and time","value":"09-10-2022"},"Due Date [date]":{"id":"Due Date [date]date and time","type":"date and time","value":"09-22-2022"}},"history":[]},{"id":"Tasks-2","key":"Tasks-2","fields":{"summary":"My 2nd issue","description":"Has another description","created":"2022-09-14T22:04:51.028Z","updated":"2022-09-14T22:04:51.028Z","links":[],"author":{"login":"root","name":"root","type":"user"},"comments":[],"attachments":[],"tags":[],"watchers":[],"voters":[],"Priority":{"id":"Prioritystring","type":"string","value":"Critical"},"Type":{"id":"Typestring","type":"string","value":"Task"},"State":{"id":"Statestring","type":"string","value":"Open"},"Assignee [user]":{"id":"Assignee [user]string","type":"string","value":"jcraw62"},"Start Date":{"id":"Start Datedate and time","type":"date and time","value":"09-10-2022"},"Due Date [date]":{"id":"Due Date [date]date and time","type":"date and time","value":"09-22-2022"}},"history":[]}]
15/09/22 01:04:51,043 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Transforming issue with key 'Tasks-1' and id 'Tasks-1'
15/09/22 01:04:51,045 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Transforming issue with key 'Tasks-2' and id 'Tasks-2'
15/09/22 01:04:51,046 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Loaded 2 ISSUE(s) from project 'Tasks' (Tasks)
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=Priority, name=Priority, type=string) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Found field in cache, requested: id=Priority, name=Priority, type=string) -> result: 'Priority_0'(externalId: Priority string, type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=Type, name=Type, type=string) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Found field in cache, requested: id=Type, name=Type, type=string) -> result: 'Type_0'(externalId: Type string, type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=State, name=State, type=string) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Found field in cache, requested: id=State, name=State, type=string) -> result: 'State_0'(externalId: State string, type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=Assignee [user], name=Assignee [user], type=string) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Found field in cache, requested: id=Assignee [user], name=Assignee [user], type=string) -> result: 'Assignee [user]'(externalId: Assignee[user] string, type: string)
15/09/22 01:04:51,047 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=Start Date, name=Start Date, type=date and time) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:51,048 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Found field in cache, requested: id=Start Date, name=Start Date, type=date and time) -> result: 'Start Date_0'(externalId: StartDate date and time, type: date and time)
15/09/22 01:04:51,048 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Looking for a field id=Due Date [date], name=Due Date [date], type=date and time) in project 'Bucket - Tasks (TB)'
15/09/22 01:04:51,048 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Found field in cache, requested: id=Due Date [date], name=Due Date [date], type=date and time) -> result: 'Due Date [date]'(externalId: DueDate[date] date and time, type: date and time)
15/09/22 01:04:51,048 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] [Tasks-1..Tasks-2] - started processing of documents and fields in import mode
15/09/22 01:04:51,048 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] No full name provided for user 'root', using login instead
15/09/22 01:04:51,048 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] No YT ImportedUserData found for foreign user with id root, will find an existing user or create a new one
15/09/22 01:04:51,049 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] YouTrack user with login root is associated with foreign user with login root
15/09/22 01:04:51,049 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] No full name provided for user 'root', using login instead
15/09/22 01:04:51,049 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] No YT ImportedUserData found for foreign user with id root, will find an existing user or create a new one
15/09/22 01:04:51,049 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] YouTrack user with login root is associated with foreign user with login root
15/09/22 01:04:51,055 WARN [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Numbering fragmentation detected: Creating Issue number 38 in project TB, whereas original number is project is 1
15/09/22 01:04:51,056 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Tasks-1: setting field values
15/09/22 01:04:51,059 WARN [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Numbering fragmentation detected: Creating Issue number 39 in project TB, whereas original number is project is 2
15/09/22 01:04:51,059 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Tasks-2: setting field values
15/09/22 01:04:51,074 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] [Tasks-1..Tasks-2] - started processing of add events and history
15/09/22 01:04:51,094 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Requesting foreign server to retrieve server info
15/09/22 01:04:51,095 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Processing articles in project Project(id=0, key=Tasks, name=Tasks, description=, archived=null, lead=User(id=root, name=root, fullName=null, email=, banned=false, deleted=false, type=USER), fields=[ProjectField(id=Priority string, name=Priority, type=STRING, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=Type string, name=Type, type=STRING, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=State string, name=State, type=STRING, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=Assignee[user] string, name=Assignee [user], type=STRING, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=StartDate date and time, name=Start Date, type=DATE_AND_TIME, multiValue=false), ProjectField(id=DueDate[date] date and time, name=Due Date [date], type=DATE_AND_TIME, multiValue=false)]) started. Current import progress is ItemTypeImportProgress(lastProcessed=null, initialImportFinished=true, lastImportStartTime=1663192796908)
15/09/22 01:04:51,095 DEBUG [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] getArticles is not declared in the client
15/09/22 01:04:51,095 INFO [@zJobProcessor10] [ImportLogging ] [import_user_137727903@] Loaded 0 ARTICLE(s) from project 'Tasks' (Tasks)
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I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.
If you don't indicate a type or do it incorrectly, fields get imported as strings. For dates — you use an unsupported date format, hence wrong dates are imported. Additionally, if you host YouTrack on your own server, please ensure that you use the latest version (currently 2022.2.55618), as there have been quite a few import related fixes in the last couple of builds.
Please import this piece as a new project and check if it's imported correctly.
Sergey, thanks for the quick response.
I'm running in the cloud
Using your sheet I'm able to run the import and all values seem to be imported correctly except Assignee and the dates which are imported as field names Assignee_0, Start Date_0, Due Date_0. The values show up in the issues list (as Assignee_0, etc. - for some reason) but not in the task form.
Also I noticed the dates are imported as date and time even though my sheet header states (date) and the original fields Start Date and Due Date are date types in YouTrack.
Thanks for your response.
That's why I asked you to import it in a new project (i.e., not the one that already exists). In one project, you can't have two fields with the same name but different types. So in your case, you import issues in the project that likely already has Assignee (single), Start date (date), and Due date (date) fields. When you run import, it tries to add Assignee (multi), Start date (date and time) and Due date (date and time). The same names but different types, hence it can't use the same exact names.
Please check the fields mapping:
Thanks Sergey,
I think I understand now.
I have dozens of projects where the dates are defined as "date" but it seems like the only way to import to this existing date field is to change their type to "date and time"? Is this correct? If I change the type will existing issues retain their current date field values ( but perhaps with YouTrack adding a time of midnight to make the value compatible with the new type)?
Similarly for Assignee which is defined as "user (single)". If I were to simply change the type to "user (multi)" would that work to allow me to import a single user defined in the spreadsheet as "Assignee (user)"?
Thanks for your response.
Yes, that's correct as the spreadsheet import doesn't support the date type.
Yeah, it will just add midday UTC. So it will convert Sep 20 → Sep 20 12:00 UTC → and this UTC time will be converted to whatever time zone you have in the settings.
Yes. If the import sees an existing field (same name and type) in the project, it just uses this field instead of creating a new one.
Still though, I recommend testing it on some test project to ensure that everything works as you expect and then performing it on the main one
Thanks. I bit the bullet and converted types for dates and Assignee on my projects and import seems to go well.
Last question - when I import issues get created as root. Is that due to this script ? Do I need to update the script or is there a more dynamic way to specify who the issue should be created by? (My account has root but also other roles so I have to assume it is the script that is causing these issues to be created as root).
Thanks for your response.
Yes, if you want to change the way the import works, you should update the scripts. Here's the doc on the import API. I should not, though, that editing the scripts requires basic JavaScript and programming knowledge. An incorrect configuration can break the import functionality, but you'll be able to reset it to default, though.
I'm having the same issue with `Assignee (user)` even though I don't have conflicting field types. It always creates Assignee multi.
It seems that the issue only happens for `Assignee (user)`, other custom fields are working fine.
As Sergey mentioned in the previous message, you can check the code of the import and modify it correspondingly. For the Google sheets, you can try the following: open the workflow, find the
file and replacewith