How to create swimlames by Epic for tasks (not user stories)

I'm setting up development board as described on this page. All my tasks are cathegorized like Epic-User Story-Task. Also I would like to make a small change on this: instead of using user stories as swimlanes on board I would like to use Epics. 

But when I setting up the board with epics as swimlanes all my tasks go to Uncategorized swimlane. Is there a way to make it work?

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I'm Sergey from the YouTrack team.

Thank you for contacting us. I'm happy to help you.

Only direct children (subtasks) are added to a swimlane with such a setup on the board. So if you have Epic → parent for → User Story → parent for → Task, and define swimlanes based on the Epic issues, only the User Story issues will be added to this swimlane directly. And hence if you define it based on the User Story issues, then the Task issues will be added to swimlane. Currently, it's not possible to have multi-level swimlanes. We have a related feature request in our public tracker. Please feel free to vote for this issue. This helps us gauge how much impact this feature will have on our customer base.

At the same time, the card's subtasks, though not added to the swimlane directly, are shown in the separate view on the card itself (this is an example with an XL board size, the view may differ depending on the size):

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