Change Logfile location



I want to change the location where the logfiles are saved. I found some config-files (C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack\conf):

  • youtrack.launch.config
  • \hub\hub.launch.config
  • \youtrack\youtrack.launch.config

In the \youtrack\youtrack.launch.config the path is the same as displayed in YouTrack on the Statistics page. But if I stop the windows service, change the config files and start the service, the changes in the config files are reverted.

How can I change the paths? I'm using the MSI version with a windows service.



1 comment
Official comment

Hello, Jan Ahnen!

Log directory might be either change manually (for that please change the value of property logs-dir in C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack\conf\internal\

or it might be configured from elevated CMD with help of the following command (executed after service was stopped):
<youtrack.home>/bin/youtrack.bat configure --logs-dir=<>

Alexey Barsov
JetBrains Developer


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