Can Gantt charts show dependencies on assignee in calculating overall completion?

I have a project that has 3 dependent issues that all have an estimated effort of 1 week each. They are not dependent on each other though. I assign them all to the same person. My Gantt chart shows that my project will complete in 1 week, even though the total estimated time is 3 weeks. This would be correct if I could assign them to different people, but I can't and sadly my developer can't do 3 things at once.

Is there anyway to show a dependency on resources without having to create an artificial dependency between the issues themselves?

Official comment

No, unfortunately that's not possible.You can imitate this behavior by setting capacity: 1, but this setting is static, i.e.when there's one assignee for two tasks or two assignees for two tasks, issues will be consecutive. 

Permanently deleted user

There is supposed to be a setting called 'constraint'. It's in the documentation. Can someone please tell me if this is a mistake, please?


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