Exporting all issues and comments to csv
When exporting issues to csv we also need to be able to export all of the comments for each issue as well to provide a full download. Is this possible? Is there a config file where I can add the comments field to this report? Thanks.
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Unfortunately, that's not possible yet. Please vote/comment for the issue in our tracking system to increase it's priority and be notified about updates:
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/v2/issue/JT-10183 .
Dear Jetbrains!
Please answer this question.
It is actual how to export issue history with comments in CSV/XLS.
Thanks in advance!
Dear Luba,
thanks! i have done it.
Could you please suggest any workaround? E.g any script which will download it using API?
We want to use YouTrack to manage issues with customer but they need to get downloaded history with comments to import to their internal JIRA.
If we don't solve this issue with history and comments we need to migrate to JIRA =(
You can get comments via our REST api: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/incloud/Get-Comments-of-an-Issue.html , as far as I understand, it should be suitable.