YouTrack installation on Ubuntu 12.04 failed
ZIP distribution on Ubuntu 12.04
Unpacked ZIP file into /var/www/youtrack/ so it can be found by http://[domain]/youtrack/
Went to /var/www/youtrack/apps/youtrack/bin in Terminal and ran "./ run", received the following response:
Starting YouTrack...
[YouTrack Error] [APP-WRAPPER] Failed to start the application: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.jetbrains.service.util.StatusException: Could not find service config /var/www/youtrack/apps/youtrack/
[YouTrack Error] [APP-WRAPPER] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.jetbrains.service.util.StatusException: Could not find service config /var/www/youtrack/apps/youtrack/
All other coms failed out, and installer closed. Cannot install from SH file. There is no other explanation in documentation. There is no file in the specified folder, nor in any other folder.
Please advise. Is there a file missing from install package? Install zip file was
Thank you!
Joe Ryder
Software Asset Management
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Hello Joe,
Thank you for reaching out.
Am I correct, you're going to run YouTrack under a web server?
In this case I'd suggest to run JAR (