Workflow: check period field larger or smaller than?


Quick question if anyone could help me :)

I would like to make a workflow that checks on a state update that the estimate field is filled in and is smaller than 4h (except when a member from the "manager" group does it.

I have the first part working fine, the second part that needs to check the time OR user being a manager I have no idea about.

this is what I have.

 when State.becomes({Todo})
   assert Estimation != null: "An estimate is required";

I haven't found documentation revolving the periods in the work flow.

Thank you!

unfortunately you cannot simply compare the period fields yet, please vote/comment the

But the workaround is available, you can use the following valid construction: (now - Estimation) < now - 4 hours
If you need to check that user is/isn't included into the "manager" group use loggedInUser.isInGroup("managers").

Please let me know if it's enough to implement your case.
Hi Dmitry,

Your workaround works like a charm and the solution is sufficient for me.
You just saved me a lot of overhead at work, thank you! ;)

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