Execute issue command in javascript as guest?

Is it possible to execute as guest, issue command in javascipt i.e. /rest/issue/123/execute?
Hi Krasm,

You can add several permissions to guest user (Update issue or similar) and it'l be possible to execute such rest requests under guest user.

Javascript commands aren't allowed. Could you please clarify, what would like to execute using Javascript? Maybe you are speaking about some update issue related commands, am I right?

Thank you.
Permanently deleted user
Javascript commands aren't allowed. Could you please clarify, what would like  to execute using Javascript? Maybe you are speaking about some update issue related commands, am I right?

Yes, You're correct.  I want to update issue custom field as guest (i.e. execute issue command) using javascript CORS.

however we decided not to use CORS in favor of authenticated REST API. So we created a separate user (just for REST API) with `Update issues` privilege as you suggested and this worked for us.

ps. can you look at my question regarding workflows? (http://forum.jetbrains.com/thread/YouTrack-1040)

thank you

Yes, the right way to do this is to use REST API.

I've answered you previous thread. Pardon for delays.
Thank you.

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