Planning a Sprint - How do I see total estimate?

I'm using YouTrack to plan my first sprint.

I've created all my tasks, given them time estimates, assigned them to stories / features, and added them to a sprint.

Now I want to see the total estimated time for my sprint, to help me manage the size of it.

I've tried creating a time report, but because I haven't yet logged any time against any of the tasks, it doesn't seem to pick them up.  (I tested this by logging some time against one of the tasks, and my report started working).

How do I see the total time estimate for all tasks in a planned sprint?
Hello Marty,

Unforunately, you can see the estimated time only when Spent Time custom field has some value. I suggest you to set Spent Time to 0 every time you create a new task. In this way, you will be able to see total Estimation time in report.
I recommend you to set 'group by Assignee' in your report, in this case you'll see Estimations per user.

Thank you.
Robert Wilczyński

Is this issue resolved by now or at least planned to be resolved? Can I configure a default value for Spent Time so I don't have to remember to set it?

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