Custom order

Hello YouTrack,

I am evaluating YouTrack and other issue trackers.

I like the concept of custom order.
I have not seen this in other issue trackers and it would be a strong point for choosing YouTrack.

But I have some issues with it and so it is hard to use.

(a) Removing the custom order is done without warning.
In case of a backlog, this is very dangerous.

(b) The blue bar which highlights the custom order is not shown anymore if I reload the page (Chrome).

(c) Ordering does not work correctly with a feature containing tasks and tree view.
(i) Chrome is not updated correctly.
(ii) Sometimes it does not work at all.
(iii) What's about showing the entire container but fading those items which are not in right place?

(d) What's about the feature:
Cloning "saved search" i.e. cloning the custom order.
My use case is backlog management. I can clone the backlog and playing around with the items.
It would be perfect if one can migrate the custom back but this can easily lead to overengineering...

(c) REST API: No function to get custom order.

(e) Click on "saved search" on the right panel
  • > You get (expanded) "saved search" and hence witout custom order
What's about an extra button for expanded mode?

(f) Have a look at TeamCity and the build queue:
Each item of the build queue has a button to put it on top of the queue.
I think this would be helpful for YouTrack as well.

What's about these features/bugs? Do you work on it?
Hi Marcus,

Thank you for considering YouTrack as an issue tracker for your team!

(a) The case is clear, we can discuss this feature for future implementation.

(b) I've testd in Chrome and cannot reproduce this, highlight shows after reload. Please provide us with the screenshots and with the version of Chrome you use.

(с) May I kindly ask you to share with us exact issues? We know that Tree view is not so peefect right know and we try to enhance this option each time. What do you mean by doesn't work at all?

(d) You can choose the backlog saved search, select all issues with Ctrl + A, apply bulk command - clone.

(e) Again, we can discuss this.

(f) I assume you would like this for showing the query of particular saved search. You can click on edit mode in front of saved search and have a look at it query.

(g) Discussable. But, aren't you satisfied with drag and drop?

Thank you.
Permanently deleted user
(b) Screenshot is attached.
I did the following (latest Chrome):
(i) Order something -> blue bar
(ii) Reload -> no blue bar anymore

(c) Several issues, for example (feature := feature + subtasks)
(i) Order a feature -> the feature is put at the correct place but the view is not updated. I have to reload the page.
(ii) Order a feature directly after another feature -> does not work for most of the time.

(d) I do not want to clone the issues.
I want to have a clone of the "save search" i.e. a clone of the custom order.

(e) Microsoft TFS has a (limited) forecast.
With the REST API, I can hack something (better than TFS) for us.

(f) What is the edit mode?
I can click on "search context" and chose a saved search there. But
(i) This are two mouse clicks.
(ii) The saved search is not directly visible.
For me and my collegues this was very unintuitive.
In fact, have a look at your help:
"Prioritizing the Backlog" contains warnings because of this issue.

(g) If I add a feature it will be inserted at the very end of the backlog. If the backlog is long and should be at the top, have fun with drag and drop.

Furthermore, whats about selecting multiple items and ordering them at once?


Permanently deleted user
Any update on my issues?
Permanently deleted user
Hi Marcus
I can't pretend to help with all of your queries but I've recently been looking at ordering the results from the rest api.  What problem do you have?  I tend to setup a "saved search" and then call this as the filter parameter.

By having it as a saved search, it avoids the need to alter your code when a slight tweak to the results is needed also.
Permanently deleted user
tend to setup a "saved search" and then call this as the filter parameter.

And which order do you get? I get the issues ordered by the bug id.
I think the bug/feature is already known:

Any plans to implement it?

Apart from the features, I posted real bugs: (b) and (c)
Note (b) is with "tree view" as well.
So what is about the bugs?

And what is about the other features.
What is your procedure in case of feature requests?
Permanently deleted user
I get the order that I specify in the saved search.  I'm using 5.0.3 In-cloud.
BTW - I'm just a user like yourself.
In terms of feature requests - you can put them into the YouTRACK instance that JB use to track bugs etc.  Then others vote on them if they would also like the same feature.
Permanently deleted user

Even I am looking for the Custom ordering. But this custom order stores only on my view , and If I want to share the same custom order to someone in the team then it doesn't show. 

Are we going to get this Custom Ordering feature? 





Pramod, to share your custom ordering with other users please make sure that 1) you have shared the saved search with other users (i.e. they can view this saved search) + 2) you have set this search as a search context.

You can find more details here:


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