Reset tickets autoincremented ID?


We had 10 tickets, then did a wrong import and created some dozen of tickets we deleted. How could we reset autoincremented ticket ID so that next created ticket starts at number 11, not 56?

Thank you.
I have the same issue, please help.

was this ever answered? I need to reset the ID counter too. I was testing workflow and now I need to reset to 1


I have never received an answer.

It's been a few years since I migrated to Jira.


Hello! We're sorry for missing this question.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to reset the counter, since the deleted issues are still stored in the database if you deleted them one-by-one (and not on a project basis while deleting the whole project).
Please feel free to vote/comment for the feature request in our tracking system to increase its priority and be notified about updates: 

If the import has gone wrong, our general recommendation would be to delete the whole project and to start the import again. This will allow you to create issues with the correct IDs.


The ticket tracking this issue is actually JT-43096.


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