Update YouTrack
I have an installed YouTrack 5.2 Build 8723.
if i installed last update 5.2.5 or 6, my custom workflow is not broke? Maybe there were changes in workflow language?
if i installed last update 5.2.5 or 6, my custom workflow is not broke? Maybe there were changes in workflow language?
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There were no changes that may cause compatibility issues. However, please note the guide to prevent lost of changes in default workflows.
Thank you.
Can you give me link to upload install package YouTrack 5.2 Build 8723? For restore from backup.
Sure. Please, find target builds here http://kudago.com/spb/event/spektakl-nad-propastyu-vo-rzhi-v-teatre-za-chyorno/
Have a error after update
31 окт 2014 08:34:15,105 ERROR [WebrSessionListener ] [destroy servlet ] [] Exception while sessionDestroyed
Apologies for the wrong link to builds in my previous comment.
Please, find 5.2.5 builds here http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TSYSPUB/YouTrack+Release+Downloads+Archive
And, given this the link was wrong, could you please clarify with which build did you find the exception?
Thank you.
YouTrack 6.0 Build 12102
i'm not found in log execute command from rest api. Where is he?
Commonly, there were no changes related to REST commands logging. What was the command? Did you try to search for *REST/ ? Were you able to find other commands?
Thank you.
Yes :)
in a file localhost_access_log.2014-10-30.txt (Youtrack 5), i have a fragment in log: - - [30/Oct/2014:17:47:00 +0200] "POST /rest/issue/RegId-54379/execute?command=%D0%A1%D0%BB%D1%83%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B51+from_trac&comment=.... HTTP/1.1" 200 -
in a file localhost_access_log.2014-10-31.txt (Youtrack 6), i don't have a similar fragment.
Not allowed exit code -1 from process: bin/youtrack configure
That's known issue.
Please, download the latest build from youtrack.jetbrains.com/youtrack.
As for logs, so, did you try different REST commands and non reflected in logs, correct? Looks like an issue, but please check different commands.
Thank you.
For example in thread http://forum.jetbrains.com/thread/YouTrack-1821 i'm describe problem use api. I can't see command in the log, the log is empty(
Maybe I was wrong in filename?