Migration to Hub Hit a Snag
Things were going really well. Got standalone hub installed and working. Then I read in the docs that I would have to migrate the YouTrack data.
Made the backup, that worked.
Then it says to login to <url base>/bundle/admin. When I hit that URL, it says 'you are logged in as _____' and shows me page not found. So it's making me think I have to login as admin? Docs don't say that. So not sure what is failing here. My user is a System Admin. Thanks.
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Hello Rob,
Could you please clarify, did you install YouTrack 6.5 JAR or bundle distribution (MSI, ZIP) ? Please note, migartion to external Hub can be arranged with YouTrack bundle distribution only. Please refer to https://www.jetbrains.com/hub/help/1.0/Migrating-Data-to-External-Hub.html , "Note" section.
Yes that is it. I am using the jar. I will switch to the zip. Thanks Andrey.