Login Problems

My team is evaulating YouTrack 2.1 and is strongly interested in purchasing a license, but right now we're experiencing a fairly major show-stopper.  One of the team members who works out of a different office can only access the YouTrack server through a Windows RDP server at the main site.  He is mostly unable to log in.  It seems like if I delete his account and create a new one for him with a default password, he can log in the first time.  But after he changes his password, he can't log in again.  Every time he tries, it just redirects him back to the login page (without even any kind of message indicating a failure...very poor form there).  Clicking the password reset link has the exact same effect.  I've also noticed that the "Remember me" check box on the login page doesn't seem to work.  I make sure it's checked every time I log in, but I still have to log in again every morning.

The team member who is unable to log in has tried both Internet Explorer and Firefox, and they both exhibit the problem.  He has cleared his cookies and set both browsers to the weakest security settings without any success.

In general, I really like YouTrack, but there's no way we can justify buying a license if one of our team members can't even log in.  Is this a known issue, and is there a work-around?


Hello Cory,

is TeamCity accessible on similar URL as Youtrack do (only difference in ports, for example)?


They're both on the same server.  TeamCity is at http://server-name/teamcity and YouTrack is at http://server-name/youtrack.  I found instructions somewhere on the JB site to just download the YouTrack war and drop it in the webapps directory in TeamCity's install directory.  With the exception of the login issue, it works fine.

I did originally try to just install YouTrack on a different port, but I couldn't login myself that way, so I uninstalled it and then found the instructions for the war download.  Login now works fine (with the exception of the checkbox I mentioned above) for me and two other team members.  It's only the user who has to login through the terminal server who can't get in.

Also, I've taken a look at the logs and I do see an error with the message "Resource [smartui/img/bgLogin.gif] was not found" that may be at about the same time the logins were failing.  I can't be sure whether it's related, though.


I'm the offsite user having the problem, and I thought it might help for me to describe the errors I get at my end:

  1. When logging in for the first time with a fresh account, I am able to enter the default password and proceed to use YouTrack easily.
  2. When the system prompts me to change my username I can change that name (but this causes complications later)
  3. The next time I log in, I get the message "Incorrect password or user name" for all four combinations of new/old username and default/new password.
  4. If I try to have an email sent with a restore password link, and I have already changed my username, it fails with the error "can't find user with login [name]" (for both new and old usernames)
  5. If I try to have an email sent with a restore password link, and I have not changed my username, the link is generated and the email is sent, but the link redirects to the login page.

Hope this helps troubleshoot it.  I'd really like to be able to keep up with my SW team's progress remotely!




Do LDAP, OpenID or Jira Integration are enabled?

Please, try to perform the same operations for test user inside the office? Will test user login successfully?


LDAP, OpenID and Jira integration are all disabled on the YouTrack server.

I am not currently able to test the user's login inside the office as he is not here, but his attempts to log in from the terminal server effectively ARE from inside the office.

I don't know whether it's related, but I can also confirm that for those of us who are able to log in, the "Remember me" checkbox does not appear to work and we have to log back in every morning.  It seems like there's something pretty wrong with the cookies that YouTrack is (presumably) using.


Do Youtrack URL is identical for office and for remote accesses?

Could you provide cookies for these cases?

Also, please check if baseURL on 'settings' page is the same as you access to or not.


The base URL is http://vqt-saturn/youtrack which is correct.  That is the address at which it is accessed both from my local machine (which works with the exception of "Remember me") and from the terminal server that JR is trying to use.  Again, the terminal server behaves like a machine on the internal network so from YouTrack's perspective, it's no different from any other internal machine.  The functional difference is that he is connecting to the terminal server remotely using Windows Remote Desktop.  But YouTrack shouldn't even have access to that information.

I'm not sure what you want as far as cookies, but here are the three I see if I pull up the Page Info while I'm on YouTrack (I'm able to log in successfully):

Cookie 1:

Site: vqt-saturn


Content: A95FCD2AF15E3E4D145236F263277DEF

Host: vqt-saturn

Path: /youtrack

Sent For: Any type of connection

Expires: At end of session

Cookie 2:

Site: vqt-saturn

Cookie Name: RememberMe

Content: 1583678642^2#5090143395310380530

Host: vqt-saturn

Path: /teamcity

Sent For: Any type of connection

Expires: Monday, September 13, 2010 3:51:40 PM

Cookie 3:

Site: vqt-saturn

Cookie Name: RememberMe

Content: 1583678642^2#5952171985601542451

Host: vqt-saturn

Path: /

Send For: Any type of connection

Expires: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 1:42:23 PM

So the session ID cookie seems to be the only one from youtrack.  I'm guessing the third is a hold-over from before I moved TeamCity from the root of the server to its own path (it's now at http://vqt-saturn/teamcity).  And the second certainly appears to be the "Remember me" cookie from teamcity (which works fine).


We seem to have gotten JR's login to work (at least for now).  I went in and tried to delete JR's user in order to create a new one so we could try a few more things.  I was unable to delete him since he had created issues, but somehow, my attempt to delete his user seems to have him able to log in again.  I have no idea how that could have solved the problem, but it appears to have.

The only cookie he sees is the JSESSIONID cookie with everything identical to mine except for the content (which is what I would expect).

"Remember me" still doesn't work in YouTrack for any of us.  It works fine in TeamCity.

Also, I deleted my RememberMe cookie that referenced the root level of the server.  It has not returned, which leads me to believe that it was just a left-over from TeamCity before I moved it.

Evgenii Schepotiev

Hi! Which cookies you get if you clear TeamCity root cookie and relogin in YouTrack with "remember me" checkbox set. We found issue with path in cookie, but it seems not your case, because I didn't see YouTrack cookie at all. It should looks like this:

Cookie-name: jetbrains.charisma.main.security.PRINCIPAL


Path: /


I logged out and logged back in, and the only cookies I have are JSESSIONID cookies for YouTrack and TeamCity and a RememberMe cookie for TeamCity.  I don't have any cookies that look anything like what you included.  I searched all my firefox cookies for the string "charisma" and found nothing.

Evgenii Schepotiev

Which application server do you use?


I'm using the version of Tomcat that was installed by default with TeamCity.  It's running on Windows Server 2003 (x64).


Is there any server nginx or Apache between Tomcat and you?


I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but I think the answer is no.  I'm connecting directly from the web browser on my machine to the tomcat install on the server.


We reproduced this issue. We will integrate it in 2.1.2 JT-6850. Thank you for your help.


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