RSS feed of added comments
Is it possible to subscribe to an rss feed to get the comments of an project?
At the moment, i've notification rules set up to recive emails "on issue created, on issue updated, on issue resolved, on comment posted and on issue voted" in order to get a stack of changes(newest last)
I'd like to get this stack from an rss feed. Is this possible?
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Hi manuel,
On the issues' list, there is special RSS feed of comments of issues that
match the search request. So you can enter search request "project:"
and subscribe to the comments feed for this request, as well as for any other
search request.
Best regards,
Vyacheslav Lukianov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"
Hi Vyacheslav ,
I forgot to mention that i know of this comment rss feed. But it's not the same as the email notification.
The rss feed shows only added comments whereas the mail notification also shows all sort of state change(assignee, state, fixed in and so on) and even edits on existing comments are shown on mail notification.
Beside those missing informations, the notification looks much better thant the rss feed:
The first image is from mail notificatioin with a nice formatting and even the picture, whereas the second picture shows an unformatted comment.