You have no permissions to reorder the issue.

Youtrack 5.0.1
User is logged in as an Admin.
There are some projects, in which the message "You have no permissions to reorder the issues" appears in the Agile Board when you try to drag an issue back to Backlog. What could the reason of it be?
Hello Alex,

If you are sure that an Admin user have all permissions including 'Update saved search' permission, then please check Agile board settings (gear at the top right corner-> click on board name-> set change settings to 'Project based').
I assume you are not the author of the board, thus contact an author and check board configuration.

Thank you.
The Agile Board settings correspond to your recommendations. I created the Agile Board (system administrator), but our Project manager shall control of.
What should I do to the owner's rights have moved the project manager?

You need to check that the user have enough permissions on this project ('Update saved search') and set change settings in Agile board configuration to 'Project based'.

Thank you.
This configuration was originally.
The Project Manager have enough permissions on this project ('Update saved search') and Agile board configured to 'Project based'.

Please provide us with the screenshots of Permissions View page of that user and screenshot of Agile configuration settings.

Thank you.
Hello Alex,

Please, confirm that 'Edit tag or Saved search' permission affects the target project. From the screenshot it's not clear.
Project in front of the permission on permissions view screenshot should be the same as the enabled project on Agile configuration.
Sorry, but that's not evident from the pictures.

Thank you.
I've checked it again, the rights are granted. The user is a Project Admin of the project. His rights are listed above.
I've also made some tests: if I create an Agile Board, the Project Admin can not move tasks back to Backlog. He can, however, create this Agile Board again, so he can then work with the Backlog.

Sorry for not responding earlier.
Last thing, I'd like you to check is may it be the case that you create a board for several projects. Project Admin user creates a board for only project where he has project admin permissions, that's why he is able to edit backlog, but not allowed to change backlog order on your board (with several projects, where he has no permissions).

Thank you.
No, issues belong to one project.

Did you check that <projectname>Backlog saved search has 'Updatable by' setting is set to the <target group>/<target user> ?
If you're a root user, please verify this under Issues list -> Saved searches area-> <projectname>Backlog , call Edit window.

Thank you.

Is it fixed now?

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