Customer replies creates new issue rather that comments on the original issue
I have an issue with replies from customers ending up as new issues rather than comments on the original issue. A common use case for us is that we automatically create the issue in one project when a new email arrives. Then the issue is moved manually to another project. Then if we comment on the issue and the customer replies back a new issue is created in YouTrack. Would it be possible to have this use case working the way we want? Meaning that we have the comment/email chain end up in one and the same issue even after changing the project of the issue?
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
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Thank you for your case.
When issue moves to another project it breakes the email thread/original issue's thread. Email address integrates with original project only (mailbox integration is per-project option). So when a reply receives to the address, it generates a new issue in original project, which is expected behaviour.
Why do you move issues to other projects?
I'm not the OP, but moving issues between project is quite common - for example someone failed ticket in wrong project, or there was an e-mail notification which should be handled within the scope of different project...
YT offers option to change project and it should track previous issues (it does it for URLs!)
This is a rather old post and mailbox integration in YouTrack has changed a lot since then. Namely, it's capable of adding comments to issues moved to other projects. If you're using YouTrack 2019+ and it doesn't work for this way here's a couple of thing to check:
- Comment reporter should have enough permissions to add comments in project where the issue is now
- An email, that is supposed to become a comment, should have In-Reply or/and References header set
Should you require any further assistance with setting this up please don't hesitate to submit a support request via