TeamCity Integration: Fixed in build set when VCS change is associated to ticket


Hello - assuming latest versions of YT and TC .. is there any way to have the build number immediately set to the ticket (instead of on resolved) when the VCS comment is associated to the ticket ?  

In our workflow, a ticket is set to Pending QA (which is NOT a resolved state) and it is not truly ready for testing until a build number is associated to it which implies it's been successfully compiled and deployed to an environment that our QA engineer can access.

Is there possibly something that can be done in the workflow rules? does workflow engine have change event for VCS commit which we can use to then set fixed in build = LAST build added to bundle assuming that TC integration successfully added the build number to the bundle ?

1 comment
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Hello Diego,

>is there any way to have the build number immediately set to the ticket (instead of on resolved) when the VCS comment is associated to the ticket ?  

Unfortunately, it's not possible as the build numbers pulls from TeamCity server. Calling VCS changes from Workflow is not available as well, please watch for .

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