Show Open vs Done statistics in YouTrack with custom Workflow States
I'm experimenting with YouTrack 6.5 and I want to output bi-directional Reported vs. Resolved diagram like in Youtrack Help Pages.
When I try to plot the diagram I can see reported tickets but completed tickets are missing.
As far as I understand, tickets states should have particular values like New, Resolved, or Reopen. But what if tickets have other possible values: (Open, Done) instead of (New and Resolved) in our working process?
Is there a way to map these states?
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Hello Valentin,
I've replied on StackOverflow, .
Please check that State values that are supposed to be resolved (Done and others) are marked as Resolved (Project -> target project -> Edit -> Fields -> State -> Done, check Resolved option).
Also, answering another question: The report shows the number of issues of each state (Resolved or New/Reopned) for each day/week/month/year. For example, on June 5th there were 10 resolved issues and 5 new. On June 6th there were 5 resolved and 5 new.