Agile board or Issues filters: how to filter issues that have their statuses changed from the In progress to Review this week?
I need to filter issues done this week. I need to exclude all that could be done last week but was on a code review for a long time. So my request is to get all issues from this sprint where Status has been changed from In Progress to Verify this week.
I've seen a report with a similar logic but it just count how many tasks were finished, whereas I need all tasks details.
does YT have such command for status change date?
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Hi T N Potapenko,
YouTrack doesn't currently support searching for issues based on their history. A corresponding idea is registered in our tracker, feel free to give it a vote: JT-32215.
In the meantime, you can create a custom workflow that will save the date of the “In progress” → “Review” transition in a special custom field, and then use this field in your search to only see issues done this week.