How to find issues without subtasks assigned to me?


I need to get a list of issues that are missing subtasks assigned to me.

Ideally, I would like to exclude issues that match the query. Request everything except sub-query.




Official comment


Here's how you can get a list of issues that don't have subtasks and are assigned to your user: Assignee: me has: -{Parent for}. With has, the minus operator (-) before the specified attribute is used to find issues that have empty values in the attribute.

For more information, feel free to check our Search Query Reference.

Thank you for your answer!

Probably my question was not formulated or understood right, let me clarify it a bit more.

I need to look for tickets which are in progress and they don't have subtasks which were assigned to somebody from my team.

Something like this Stage: Coding Parent for: -(Type:Subtask Assignee: me)


Unfortunately, the minus operator is not supported when searching through issue links. We have a related request registered in our tracker: JT-68575. As a workaround, you might want to try requesting issues that are in progress and have subtasks via REST API; then you can query all subtasks individually and filter the first response based on the assignment status of these subtasks.


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