Windows - Upgrade from ZIP Never Completes


I'm trying to upgrade our neglected Youtrack Free version to the latest. I understand that this will be an incremental process and amd beginning with 2020.4->2021.4.

I followed the ZIP distribution upgrade instructions and encounter no problems until the last step of the process.

At the “Confirm License” stage I click the “Finish” button and see “Validating Installation”:

This last for 1 or 2 seconds and then nothing further happens.

In the command window where I launched the update process (<youtrack_home>\bin\youtrack.bat run) I see the following error generated each time I click the “Finish” button:

[YouTrack Error] [2024-11-15 13:35:10,169]   WARN - - Can't open directory channel. Log directory fsync won't be performed.

The upgrade never completes..

Can you assist?

1 comment

Hi Michael. This error suggests that the installation bundle cannot open the directory it needs to open to proceed. This can be the directory of the backup used to restore YouTrack's data or the data directory in the installation folder. You might want to try running the installer as the administrator or otherwise make sure that the process has enough permissions. Hope this helps.


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