"This mode is not supported by your installation" for external Hub integration

I've noticed that External Hub integration says “This mode is not supported by your installation.”. 

If you open docs for YouTrack Server and Hub, it has “Discontinued” label: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/server/working-with-external-hub.html

What has happened? I don't see anything in the release notes which could explain this.

Official comment

Starting from version 2024.2, YouTrack no longer supports integration with an external Hub service. You may read about it in the “Discontinued Features” section of the YouTrack Server documentation (version 2024.2). 

The automatic option to migrate to the built-in Hub in YouTrack will be provided later. If you're looking to move away from the external Hub, please create a support ticket, and we'll share instructions for doing it manually: https://jb.gg/ytsup.

Please note that even without the external Hub integration, a standalone Hub instance can work as an auth provider by setting it up as an OAuth 2.0 Auth Module in YouTrack.

Thank you, this answers my question.


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