Workflow JS: track issue tags changed
Is it able to track issue tags changing?
issue.hasTag() not actually solves my purpose: I want to track adding/removing tags on issue. Ideally i want to track add/remove specific tag.
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You need `issue.tags.added` and `issue.tags.removed` properties. These properties contain sets of tags, added/removed during current issue modification.
To find a specific tag inside these sets, you may use method, where `element` should be added as a requirement (see Another way is to iterate over these Sets with `forEach` method and look for a tag by name and/or by owner.
Спасибо, то что нужно!
не нашёл про added и removed в документации
I am not able to get this Tag added notification to Slack workflow working. I can't seem to figure out how to watch for a tag to be added. I've tried issue.tags.added and issue.tags.removed in the action but still nothing.
// IMPORTANT: Use a valid Incoming Webhook from Slack. To get one, go to
// youtrack_tickets T0253QBLAHSLAHLSHSLHJFmQ
var entities = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
var http = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/http');
exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
title: 'Send notifications to Slack whenever an issue tag is added',
guard: function(ctx) {
///return ctx.issue.becomesReported || ctx.issue.becomesResolved || ctx.issue.becomesUnresolved;
return ctx.issue.tags.added;
action: function(ctx) {
var issue = ctx.issue;
var issueLink = '<' + issue.url + "|" + + '>';
var message, isNew;
if (issue.becomesReported) {
message = "Issue Created: ";
isNew = true;
} else if (issue.becomesResolved) {
message = "Issue Resolved: ";
isNew = false;
} else if (issue.becomesUnresolved) {
message = "Issue Reopened: ";
isNew = false;
message += issue.summary;
var paletteString = "#FFFFFF,#8d5100,#ce6700,#409600,#0070e4,#900052,#0050a1,#2f9890,#8e1600," +
"#dc0083,#7dbd36,#ff7123,#ff7bc3,#fed74a,#b7e281,#d8f7f3,#e6e6e6,#e6f6cf,#ffee9c,#ffc8ea,#e30000," +
var palette = paletteString.split(",");
var color = palette[issue.Priority.colorIndex];
if (!color) {
color = "#edb431";
var changedByTitle = '',
changedByName = '',
priority = '',
status = '',
assignee = '',
tag =;
if (issue.Priority) priority =;
if (issue.Status) status =;
if (issue.Assignee) assignee = issue.Assignee.fullName;
if (isNew) {
changedByTitle = "Created By";
changedByName = issue.reporter.fullName;
} else {
changedByTitle = "Updated By";
changedByName = issue.updatedBy.fullName;
var payload = {
"attachments": [{
"fallback": issueLink,
"pretext": message + issueLink,
"color": color,
"fields": [
//"title": '',
"value": "*"+'<' + issue.url + "|" + issue.summary + '>'+"*",
"short": true
//"fields": "Status",
//"value": "*Type:* ",
//"short": true
//"fields": "Status",
"value": "*Tag:* "+tag,
"short": true
}, {
//"fields": "Status",
"value": "*"+"Status:* "+status,
"short": true
//"fields": changedByTitle,
"value": "*"+changedByTitle+":"+"* "+changedByName,
"short": true
var connection = new http.Connection(SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL, null, 2000);
var response = connection.postSync('', null, JSON.stringify(payload));
if (!response.isSuccess) {
console.warn('Failed to post notification to Slack. Details: ' + response.toString());
tags.added is a Set, not a single tag. You can use
to get first tag from Set, or iterate whole tags.added Set to get all added tags
Thanks @Dmitriy, I've made that change, but my other problem is that the workflow is not being triggered when adding a tag to an issue.
Any ideas?
It looks like IssueTag.isNew was added in 2018.2. I'm currently waiting on my platform team to updated from 2018.1. - 2018.3.