How one can cleare vale of Due Date with command?
I'm trying to *remove* value from Due Date field using command but I don't see a way. seems to indicate, that I have to provide some <value> but I don't know what would correspond to "empty" value...
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For this, use the value that set as Empty for your Due Date field in the Custom field settings:

For example:
Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.
Oh, I wouldn't have figured that out. Though, when I try to use it (no complete suggestion, mind you) I get error: "Due Date expected: No Due".
I tried adding quotes (`Due Date "No Due Date"`) but it didn't work neigher with error: `Due Date expected: "No Due Date"`
Would you please provide us with a screenshot of your Due Date custom field settings?
At first I checked a couple of projects (that were in the selected items in Agile Board) and they had it set to "No Due Date". Then I checke global YT and it didn't have any value set for Due Date. I added "No Due Date":
And tried to execute command again but it was failing with the same error.
I can apply it when I open single issue though
I can also update signgle, selected issue in Agile Board view, but it fails if I select multple. And I'm sure all of them have the filed as the board is groupped by said "due date" field and they are not empty (hence my desire to remove it ;) )
Hello Wojtek,
Thank you for the clarification. Usually, such an error occurs when the Due Date value cannot be empty. So, would you make sure that all your board projects allow entering empty Due Date?
Is there a way to quickly check this configuration without going into each and every project? (clicking through hundreds of them whigh YT being full of JS and sloooow would take ages)
To avoid opening each separate project, you can open Custom field settings (from the drop-down menu in gear in the upper right corner). This way, you can see all the project fields on a single page. Expand the corresponding project item to see its fields.
If this does not meet your requirements, you can create your own REST API request to get the required information. Please refer to the REST API article for details.
I know about that view, but it still requires clicking over hundreds of tree nodes to check it. Having this in tabular view (like in Field list - second tab) with all affected projects listed in the lower part or at least lit of projects that diverge from "general" field settings would be helpfu...
Sometimes it feels that YT has way to many options, *sigh*
Thank you for the clarification. I am afraid we cannot suggest another UI solution for now, so the only possible way to get all this information in a simplified form is using REST API.