Tasks created by deleted user

I ran into a very strange bug. We have a project in YouTrack where we manage tasks.
Our admin deleted one user and all his tasks were assigned to me.

After some weeks I created a new task but YouTrack shows that task was created by username (deleted user).
I clicked on the username and it shows that user has my avatar but email, login and username is from deleted user.
When I click to manage account it redirects on my current account.

It looks like he's still working with us)
How we can fix this?

Official comment

Hello, it looks like we need to investigate this.

Could you please submit a ticket via this form: https://youtrack-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=66282 and provide some more details about your YouTrack? If you're using a cloud instance, then please provide its name/URL. If it's a standalone installation, please let us know its exact version and share the full logs of your YouTrack (and Hub logs as well if you have an external Hub). 

In addition, please provide a screenshot of your Hub profile.

Thank you.

Sure. Created a request #2532670.

Thank you.


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