Sub tasks in Agile Board
Hi everyone, my question is:
I maked Agile Board with field Type "Swimlane" as swimlanes. Added TASK1 with "Swimlane" type, now this task is a swimlane.
Then added TASK2 and TASK3 as parts of TASK1. Board worked, TASK2 and TASK3 works fine.
But then I added TASK4 as part of TASK3. And TASK4 was out of all swimlanes, it was on "Uncategorized Cards".
That means, that I can use swimlanes only for direct "childrens" (TASK2, TASK3) of swimlane task (TASK1).
But if I have sub children (TASK1->TASK3->TASK4) it will not works.
Can you help me how to make sub childrens also part of swimlane?
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Hello, thank you for your message in the YouTrack community forum. At the moment, only the first level of subtasks is shown on the cards on the board, this is correct. Could you please share the current settings of your Agile board (tabs "General" and "Columnd and Swimlanes") so that I could check if there is a solution?